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Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Monday, January 31, 2005 at 3:17 am

Phone sex...

Knew that would get your attention.

Following on from a conversation this weekend with J my question is - "Is phone
sex an act of infidelity or not". Ive several girl friends (married, divorced and single) that have admitted to enjoying fairly active relationships over the telephone and in a past life I used to make a living out of it.

The cambridge dictionary says :
Infidelity - (an act of) having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife or regular sexual partner, or (an example of) not being loyal or

Pretty straight forward then - Phone
sex is a form of infidelity!

But when you get down to it isnt phone sex similar to fantasysing about someone else when making love to your "husband, wife or regular sexual partner".

Im ready to admit that the gorgeous Mr Rickman has flickered into my mind at times and Im pretty certain that K doesnt only dream of helping Jennifer Aniston put up shelves!

In this age of media imagery and soft
porn- is it acceptable to open our selfs and our relationships up to this form of flirtation. Is talking about having sex the same as actually having sex?Is it only the single that should partake in this form of stimulation? Is it wrong for married people to play/fantasise in this way. In the debate I took the "right on, do it, Im a woman living in the 21st century and there is nothing wrong with it" route. But then as I lay wide awake at 2.30am this morning I began to think about it in depth, I asked myself how I would feel if I found out that K had had phone sex with someone and the outcome would be neither pretty, nor right on.

But Im in no position to throw stones - Ive been there, seen it and got the T-shirt. That said Ive always known and faced the consequences to my actions. How then can I defend mine, and my girlfriends/boyfriends, rights to indulge in whatever form of
sexual exploration we choose but also acknowledge how hugely upset I would be if K did anything of the sort - surely sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose?

So what do you think is phone sex wrong or is it the new form of infidelity - without the infidelity?


Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 1:40 pm

Surfing blogs

Being new to this whole process I like to spend the half hour lunch break I have just surfing blogs, I've amassed quite a lot of favorites, its great to look into peoples lives and makes me realise just how funny and unique we all are as a species, also makes me realise that we are all totally mad, insecure and bizarre beings - but that's the good stuff.

I found this site - The reason I stopped and looked was the author has the same name as me and in a totally narcissistic vein wanted to see if there were any similarities or differences. I have to say I really enjoyed reading her site, she is very mad, very neurotic and very verbose - Her blog is very much how I would like mine to grow up to be!

I've linked to her site below cause there is a great link to another site where you do silly tests, I did the white trash one and then attempted to copy it on this site, but couldn't - DOH! Must learn html speak!
Anyway if you have a spare 10 mins, some of the tests are fun!

My Result for white trash = 19%
I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.

Although I have to state I'm not a democratic and I've been known to suck the last of the wine out of the box!!!!

Also a big "bigup" for this site its an amazing piece of writing and has some incredible conversations and POV's posted.

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at 1:33 pm

A few pics of Steel Magnolias

Just thought I'd add these in.
This is the set and full cast
Alison (Truvy), Me (Shelby), Madeline (Ouiser), Cath (Clairee), Andrea (Annelle),
and Margaret (M'Lynn)
Alison, Andrea and me (check out that hair)
Margaret and me
Great scene this one, pity about the wig!!!!

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 1:49 pm

First Night

Well we finally did it. Nine weeks ago rehearsals began. I've panicked cause I didn't feel I could learn the lines, panicked cause I didn't think at 35 I should be attempting to portray not only a 25 yr old but a character most people would associate with Julia Roberts and I panicked cause lets face it only the mad and insane thrust themselves onto a stage for a crowd of strangers to judge.

But all these minor panics aside the first night of the "Delaval Players" production of "Steel Magnolias" was actually a hit. There were obviously a few hiccoughs but (hopefully) nothing the audience were aware of. There was laughter and tears and a little more laughter. My mum was heard to be telling everyone who would listen that she "had paid £35.oo to see Miss Saigon in Sunderland and compared to our play it was crap"- bless her!

I had one sticky moment in the first scene of Act 2 when I realised I didn't have a photograph I was supposed to show to the girls on stage, I had left the bag it was in in the dressing room. My throat dried up, my hands broke out into a sweat and I attempted to get the stage managers attention by fiddling with some rollers whilst whisphering "help me, Ive forgotten my bag". It didnt take me long to realise I was being ignored and not wanting to create too much of a scene I realised I was on my own. I fast tracked through my lines, spotted a moment when I could leave the stage without blowing anyone's lines and sat and waited. At the appropriate moment I calmly walked from the stage, belted round the back into the dressing room picked up the photo and a spare mag on route and managed to make it back on to the stage before my next line - PHEW!

The director was apparently having a fit as was Kath who had to say a line to me, but all in all it worked out and 'cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my bum' (far less painful than in my eye) I wont forget the bally thing tonight!

Pic of K and Reavley doing lights and sound.
Think K is laughing at my inability to get my lines right!!!!

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at 1:22 pm

Its Hooches Birthday.

Fear not dear friend I will not be announcing to the world how old you are.

Just wanted to wish you a bally "happie bifday".

Wishing you a whole load of fun.

Sorry about photo babe, it was the only one I had at work)


"Birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake!"


Monday, January 24, 2005 at 1:59 pm

Update on life.

Well I'm still reading lots of other peoples blogs and the general consensus is what a busy, hectic and wonderfully strange week this last one has been. Must be something in the stars.

For me, the week last week started off with a low on Tuesday. I lost my license for a full 6 months. Not going into the details, but lets just say "stupid, stupid and stupider" were words I used regularly.

The outcome being that I have purchased myself an electronically assisted push bike to carry me the 9 miles into work. Now its not one of those fat folks ones where you just sit and it does all the work, you have to peddle, sometimes quite hard, but it is able to give you a bit of a "helping peddle" on hills, in wind and generally when I'm really tired.

The first time I cycled into work it took me nearly 50 mins, I'm now down to 40 mins - which for a fat bird isn't all that bad. The only thing that's really hurting me is getting up at 6.15 to get into work for 7.45 so I can have a wash before everyone turns up.

The next low hit on Thursday when I was forced into a pot hole by a white van man, who obviously didn't think that I had any right to be on the road, the pot hole was about the size of NZ and consequently burst my tire and meant I had to push the bally bike the rest of the 5 mile journey home. The sky was dark and grey when I set out from work - it was black with my verbal barrage by the time I got home. I quite surprised myself, I didn't know I knew that many swear words.

Friday things started picking up when my big brother, Shaun, came over from Cumbria to pick up our spare car. He is going to borrow it for 6 months - better its used than just sitting on the side of the road. Shaun and Jo (his g/friend/partner) have just purchased a house in Plumbland and as well as taking our car he is also going to take most of our furniture, which is great cause it means one less stress when
More ups - Completion date set for the 18th of Feb, which means I only have to move into my mothers for 10 days before we can move into the trailer. I'm pretty sure with lots of work, sorting out the trailer and vodka I can get through 10 days - I love her I just cant live with her!

Saturday K an I went down to the caravan park and picked out our site - 19 Beechfield (with a sea view) I'm chuffed to bits with it and when walking round the trailer felt nothing but pleasure and happiness. I'm not too sure K is feeling the same joy as me but .....

Saturday afternoon we had a rehearsal, which was a bit flat, but everyone is so tired and I think beginning to panic about the show week. Sunday K and I headed into the community centre to set up the lights and sound. Now we have only done this once before and the guy that used to do it took a strop since the last time and wouldn't come into help so it was a real "blind man leading the blind" situation. However we managed to pool our knowledge and get things going. Ha, that sounds so cool - we actually screamed at each other for most of the day, biting and hissing in contempt, but luckily when rehearsals started the lights were set and the sound could roll - Ahh the joy of Married bliss!!!

I've found myself really snapping at K these last few days. I'm not sure if its stress, PMS or just general bitchiness. Whatever it is its making things pretty unpleasant for both of us. Must try harder to bite my tongue before I jump in and hiss!

Anyway the rehearsal went well. Running time is manageable, given that first night nerves will probably speed things up and I'm feeling relatively confident about my lines. The proof will be, as they say, in the pudding. First night tomorrow night - so fingers crossed!

And finally there is today... Supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Well I got up at 6.15 with relatively little pain, cycled into work in 40 mins and have managed to get my IT program devised, complete the mail out and schedule in four learners. The cat flap man returns tonight and we have our final dress rehearsal so all that could change - but all in all - touch wood et al - so far it has been a pretty fine day!

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Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 3:23 pm

Live it to the full

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,

But rather to skid in sideways;

Chardonnay in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming

WOOHOO! What a Ride!

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Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at 3:34 pm

Thanks to Stan for this blog.

Was looking at Stans pics (Bally brilliant) from Hx's blog and found this link.

I Love this resolution, so much better than anything I have come up with.

In the year 2005 I resolve to:
Fart in public.

Get your resolution here.

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Monday, January 17, 2005 at 11:10 pm

Funerals, Friends and Revelations!

Well what a totally strange but ethereal couple of days I've just had.

Keefe and I left Newcastle about 11pm Wednesday night. The drive down was relatively uneventful and we finally drove through the streets of the London at about 3.30am, being away for as long as I have Im always struck by how busy this city is, even at this god awful time in the morning, luckily though we only hit three red traffic lights on the way in so it wasn't too painful. We managed to get our heads down for a couple of hours: the journey over to Essex also happened fairly painlessly although more road signs with sensible directions are definitely called for.

The service itself was quite simple but sympathetically done. I cried lots (I'm unable to control my tear ducts) and Keefe broke down when they played one of his mums fave songs. Everyone was fairly calm throughout the service, the sadness palpable but bearable.

It strikes me as bizarre how we say goodbye to our loved ones. Why do we mourn the death and not celebrate the life? I was in one of the cars with the spouses, my brother in law Steve has a wonderful sense of humor and kept the car laughing - appropriate or not I don't know, I just know that I left the crematorium thinking happy thoughts of Nell, not sad ones.

The rest of the day past with sandwiches and the odd glass or two of beer for Keefe and wine for me. I even met Keefe's first wife, which was totally bizarre, Angie was nothing like the picture he had painted but then he hasn't seen her for 20 years and I guess we all change.

The family went through what seems to be the general "recrimination" scene of "they should of", "we never", "they didn't" but I suppose with emotions high this sort of thing was to be expected. Luckily there was more laughter than hurt and the day passed with a sense of dignity that I'm sure Nell would have appreciated, if wondered at - Her family are certainly not shy in coming forward, I certainly expected more "upheaval".

Keefe, Tom, Rene and I all headed back to the pub in Crystal Palace and with Ben (Keefe's nephew) we settled in front of the bar, toasting Nell and the life she had - It was actually a really pleasant end to a rather sad day.

The next day brought a hangover, I was supposed to go to Hx's for 5.30 to have our girly clothes trying on session and catch up, but fell asleep. Rene woke me up at 6ish to say she had cooked dinner, I know I should have phoned H, but knowing how relaxed she is I just assumed it would be okay to get there late. I guess to assume does make an ass out of u and me - Hx called and in no uncertain terms told me how rude I had been. I was left feeling hurt and a bit pee'd off but on reflection realised that I had been rude so made my mind up to buy Hx something nice and take it round to her on Sat to apologies.

Sat came and I purchased two huge cups with hot choc in and knocked on Hx door in full "grovel mode", she opened the door in full "I'm not impressed mode" but my winning smile, sincere apology and promise of chocolate thawed her! We quickly exchanged grovel present for clothes and I left. Looking back it was a shame we did it this way, I don't get to see her that often and more time should have been spent catching up.

Saturday evening was spent in O'Neils at Crystal Palace with friends, Malcolm, Lionel and Robert - catching up, talking rubbish and generally enjoying the ambiance. Keefe, Malcolm and I left on wobbly legs, the two guys decided to wait for a bus and I in my infinite wisdom (generally only comes with copious amounts of alcohol) decided to walk back to Tom and Rene's pub. Unbeknownst to me Keefe had decided to follow me. But I walk fast and he lost me because on the way back to the pub I decided to tackle a ghost from my past.

Three years ago - four this April - I was attacked in Upper Norwood Park by three guys, not going into details, but it was a horrible experience and one that has seriously marked me. When I lived in London I used to think of this Park as mine, I would often amble through it at night, hugging trees and sitting on the swings with other drunken friends discussing life, love, the universe and how they get those ships in little bottles.

The night I was attacked changed all that and lead to me leaving London and returning home to Newcastle. Every time I have returned to London I have always faced the ghost of "seeing one of them" of feeling scared.
So, I walked through the park again ("STUPID, STUPID, and more STUPID" I hear Hx screaming). I sat under my favorite tree and bawled my eyes out. Then I laid my ghost to rest, said goodbye to my fears and run all the way back to the pub.

Keefe was non to pleased to see me - as far as he was concerned I'd gone "airy fairy" again and we shouted at each other for a while, I actually felt relatively sober and managed to get through to him where I had been and that it was really a good thing, we both cried, spoke worms of love and laughed.

Me - I actually really feel that for the last three years I've hidden behind a mask of alcohol but now I feel like a burden has been lifted, the fear has gone, Im not sure how long this will last for, but right now, I feel stronger than I have for very long time, more myself!

"I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
Douglas Adams
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
Japanese Proverb
Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside.
We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us.
But hatred is acurved blade.
And the harms we do, we do to ourselves.

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at 11:05 am

Maharishi Fattifatbastard’s Guide to Zen


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 1:47 pm

A joke - take heed!!!!

A man left work one Friday afternoon. and, instead of going home, he stayed out the entire weekend hunting and drinking with the boys and spent his entire salary. When he finally appeared at home, Sunday night, he was confronted by a very angry wife and was barraged for nearly two hours with a tirade befitting his actions. Finally, his wife stopped the nagging and simply said to him, "How would you like it if you didn't see me for two or three days?"

To which he replied, "That would be fine with me."

Monday went by and he didn't see his wife.

Tuesday and Wednesday came and went with the same results.

Thursday, the swelling went down just enough where he could see her a little out of the corner of his left eye

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at 11:49 am

A not so simple reply

Well I didn't get Hx mail till really late and I was in a quandary as to whether to give the letter below to my other half. But I got in at 7.15pm after running an unusually calm IT Youth club, it was the first session back after the Xmas hollers so think the kids were on their best behavior.

So I sat thinking "where is he" and twiddled my thumbs for a while. K eventually turned up about 7.45pm, we both did the funny "polite dance" we have been doing for the last month or so, made polite conversation and sat and looked at the table. I had had the TV turned off when he came in and I don't think he felt comfortable about switching it on straight away. Anyway he said "So, are you going to tell me what's up?". And there it was, my invitation to get all this rubbish out by handing him the letter....

So I did...

"Oh no, not another letter" he said. I looked at him and said "you can sit and read it and not understand, or we can continue on how we are - its your choice, I'm going to put the dinner on". Isn't it strange how much a pot of home made potato and leek soup needs stirring?

Long story short - when I returned to the living room the letter was thrown onto the table and I asked "So?". From there it all poured out.

He didn't mean to upset me about my acting skills - he was trying some reverse psychology - I advised him not to do this again, unless he backed it up with something positive.

He never saw me crying and apologised for not realising how badly I was being affected, but even then he was worried about his mum (Who has been poorly for a long time) so wasn't really concentrating on us - Just goes to show that even when I think I'm pushing out all the emotional stops sometimes he just doesn't notice. But then have to agree that when I'm really hurting that's when I retreat to my little shell and lick my wounds in sad solitary suffering.

He knows he's working too hard and knows he needs to be looking for more "realistic" hours, but wants us to hold out till we get into the caravan. Then he will see if he can get more hours from the council. But he was worried about money and didn't want to "sponge" off me again!

We talked about his reaction to his mums death and I apologised for being selfish, and he apologised for not letting me in - he still feels he is in shock and it hasn't really hit him.

He agrees we have become distant and wants to work on it.

It was generally all good!

So we agreed that the funeral needs to come first, that the house sale comes next and that once we are finally ensconced into our little trailer we will then begin working on us again.

This morning therefore I'm full of bunnies and butterflies and the world seems a much friendly place to play in. Special K diet still on, walking still on. We have our prospective buyers coming round tonight to view the house - so should find out what dates they have put forward for completing.

Keefe and I also head down to London tonight - Hx cant wait to see you Friday. Looking forward to checking out my new clothes, but mainly getting a hug and sharing a baileys or two.

"The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence." - Albert Ellis


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 7:40 pm

A simple letter

Aquarian – 11/01/05 - Jonathan Cainer: 'Excuse me please; I'm looking for Utopia. I seem to have got lost.' 'Lost? No. You are not lost. This is Utopia.' 'Really? It doesn't seem ideal to me.' 'Ah. You want the other Utopia. 30 miles south, through the valley of dragons and over the Mountain of Murderous Trolls.' 'I don't fancy that journey. Isn't there an alternative?'. 'Of course’, Do what the rest of us do. Stay here and pretend that THIS is Utopia.' Or, to put it another way, you are now contemplating a compromise. Contemplate it carefully. It is a big decision.

Dear K

I must apologise for the way Im doing this, I just wanted to get my thoughts down straight, and this for me was the easiest way of doing it. When we talk we generally end up shouting and I don’t want to shout at you, or have you shout at me. You asked me last night again, and right now I feel unable to communicate properly with you. My head is spurting forward my usual paranoia and hurt but I do want to let you know where Im at, why I have been – as you said “distant”.

Okay I readily acknowledge that this is about the way I feel about us and I would appreciate it if you didn’t go off the handle and start ranting about leaving.

Where to go back to – July? Maybe July is too far back but when we were talking then about what needed to change you said “If I start slipping (back into old habits) it probably means I really don’t want to do it your way, and I don’t want you changing your mind and coming up with a whole list of other stuff Im not doing.”

Now in hindsight, this could have been interpreted as your way of saying that you saw this whole “relationship-changing thing” as primarily something that I wanted, not something you thought needed to happen, and in that case the changes made were doomed to fail or fade.

But Im going to gloss over that little bit of paranoia for the moment because after our last argument you did make huge efforts, we got the house finished for gods sake – what a trial and tribulation that was, but because of your hard work, we did what we set out to do. Which means if we concentrate real hard and work together we can actually achieve miracles! You also made an effort to help around the house and we even went for a walk once, we never did make it to the cinema, but on the whole we did good, you did great!

Then somewhere in the midst of us working on us we changed focus and it all became about paying bills, so you took on two jobs and now we are almost back to where we were when you were working before all this started, because your out from 6.30 in the morning till 7 at night and when you do get in your tired and, understandably, just want to pleb in front of the TV. K I totally understand that your knackered, really I do, but it seems that you jumped from long hours in one job to long hours in two jobs, there never seems to be a level stage, just highs and lows. And I also know that I probably didn’t help whinging about money, but I did keep saying we would get our finances sorted once we had the house sold, that the right job mattered but we would just have to pull in our belts for a while whilst you found the right job.

To clarify I feel, at this moment in our relationship that we have taken a step back, have lost again the communication we were working on, not just the verbal but the physical communication. We don’t snuggle or touch in a romantic way, and yes there is a difference to snuggling on the sofa together and both of us sitting on the sofa with you falling asleep, using my thigh as a pillow. I feel we’ve stopped working on keeping the romance alive, on working as a partnership rather than two people living in the same space.

But other than the two of making a huge effort and working on this, being able to say “hey this isn’t working for me,” without the usual tirade or argument I have no magic way of changing or resolving the situation but you asked. If I say this doesn’t work for me, it’s not me saying, “Your doing it wrong,” its just me saying, “Can we change this, it makes me unhappy!”

Then we move onto my hormonal roller coaster, when I began taking those bloody tablets in December I know I became a hormonal nightmare. If you were pissed off at my mood swings, how do you think I felt having no control over my own emotions? You try watching adverts and trying to stop yourself crying, feeling that nothing will work out one minute and feeling like a giddy maniac in nut house the next. We both know that Im an emotive bitch and when I ask you questions like “What do you think, did I do okay” I need to know you think Im beautiful, clever and the best thing in your life. I need to feel encouraged and enthused. I try and do it for you!

Which brings into the fore my current concern. K as you know, I wear my feelings on my sleeve, nothing gets hidden, but I feel that sometimes you don’t understand this and at times I feel that I have to hide my feelings, because the feeling I get from you is one of disapproval. When Im down, sad or crying I want a hug, I want to be enveloped in your arms and told its all going to be okay, I want to feel that you are there for me even when I know Im being stupid.

And before you think, god one more thing Im not doing that she has added to the list, this has been one of the things I have always asked for, one of the things that you used to do. God look at our first night together when I knocked over that vase with the balloons, I was really upset and you just pulled me into your arms and laughingly said it would be okay. You held me tight on the nights my mum would phone up and I would get really upset, you whispered nothing of any sense but made me feel like I was being looked after, that you were there to protect me.

I’ve become the one that does all the protecting, holding, comforting, Im supposed to be the strong one, the organiser, the problem solver and Im not, I don’t want to be, at least not all the time.

Which moves me on nicely to Christmas. Now I know that I go over board, but I love Christmas, I love the run up, the silliness, the idea of hanging decs together with someone I love, of buying presents together for family and friends, of sipping mulled wine whilst things cook and silly movies play on the TV, or singing out of tune to Christmas songs. I want Christmas stockings and presents I have hinted for. (Which means you have to start listening to what Im saying weeks ahead). I want to Christmas shop weeks before the actual date, hording chocolates and nuts and gathering goodies to share.

But I feel that you don’t want to do any of these things. You don’t seem to get the “joy” of Christmas songs and carols, you don’t seem to understand the delight of a decorated Christmas tree and the total happiness presents under the tree evokes In me. Presents wrapped in a black polythene bag two nights before just don’t work for me, and yes I may poke them, I make shake them, but I would never cheat and look - That would spoil it!

To be honest, I’ve not enjoyed the last two Christmases, they have been simply about giving and receiving presents and that isn’t what its all about for me and whilst I feel I have tried to show you how good it could be if we could just get into the spirit together you haven’t tried.

Not being funny but your idea of Christmas before I came along was to get a bottle of something and sit in your bedroom watching videos. Remember that letter you wrote me in NZ you said Christmas at my parents was the best one you had ever had. That K is because we, as a family, did all the sillies – the Christmas hats, stockings, opening one present exactly at 12pm, following Santa on the internet, and mainly just enjoying eating lots, being with each other, Oh yes, and getting drunk. Perhaps next year you could at least try to find a little Christmas spirit for the season, you might find you even enjoy it more!

Support from you is so important to me K, verbal, physical whatever, but Im dreading going on stage in two weeks time because of what you said about my acting ability that night we talked. I used to think you thought I was good and that used to make me so proud of myself, but now I know what you really feel. Even if I did make mistakes in my last three plays, I feel your role is help me get through my blocks and encourage me to do better, not to tell me Im crap, and obviously scared/blocked and shout at me when Im trying to learn my lines - You have made me feel like I shouldn’t ever get back on stage!

And now we head onto the final straight - I don’t know how you have coped over the last two weeks; loosing anyone in my circle of family/friends would rip my heart out and I know I couldn’t cope without constant support and love from you and everyone around me. I need to know at all times that those I love, love me, that there are no doors closed to expressing our feelings be they happy or sad. Im never going to change, I’ve always been this way.

Your strength and fortitude through this time has been outstanding and admirable but, and this is very selfish of me, has cut me out. I have felt this last two weeks unable to comfort you because you have been cold and distant yourself. God K I wanted to cry so much for your loss on Saturday but didn’t want my emotions to “demean your sadness”, you were being so strong. All I wanted to do was hold you but when I tried to you felt like a brick wall and I felt that you didn’t want me there. I know you hate it when I get all “airy fairy” and have tried not too this last week.

When I asked you on Sunday if you wanted me to come down to London with you, you said, “You can if you want”. Why didn’t you just say yes? Why didn’t you say, “Yes, I need you to be there, I want you there.” I would have called into work, I would have left everything, but you didn’t say that and all I could do was sit quietly whilst you left.

Perhaps you didn’t want me there because you needed some time with your family, but I didn’t know and I was left asking myself “if this is how he reacts to this, how am I going to cope when I need him to be there for me.” Will he go cold and back away from me, will I be left alone, will he understand that I need him to hold me tight and tell me everything is going to be okay…

Will he…

And K, I really just don’t know if you will.


at 5:40 pm

A break from my usal despair

Just enjoyed looking at this guys site.
Click on the title above, then click on the pics.
It was sent to me from one of my oldest friends, Bev Moss.
She too is a little peculiar in the head.

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Monday, January 10, 2005 at 1:43 pm

Confusion reigns

Try to find your deepest issue in every confusion,
and abide by that."

Hmm been a bit of a strange weekend. K phoned at about 6pm Friday night to say he wouldn't be leaving London till midnight because of the traffic, he said he would call me just as he was leaving. I told him not to cause "I would probably be asleep and he would only wake me." Why did I say that - I never sleep when he is driving between London and Newcastle - I guess I just wanted to share the hurt.

Anyway pootled about on the pooter, then decided to drink my way to dawn and K's arrival. My rationale was if K was having to stay awake so I would join him. Cracked open a very nice bottle of chardonnay (cant remember exact type) and chatted via MSN to Hx, who is kindly clearing out her wardrobe, which means I will have a new look for 2005 and Bill, who isn't clearing out his wardrobe.

Not sure what time they both claimed their respective beds were calling them, but I was left alone and wondering how I was going to fill in the rest of the night. It was here that I decided that it would be a perfect time to phone Jerry, the friend I had just started communing with, so filled up my glass and dialed the number to Aus.

You know how you sometimes make those "not spoke for ages, wonder what they are up to" calls and hit a brick wall, well this wasn't one of those times. It was great, I haven't spoken to Jerry since I was 19 or 20 and then we didn't really part on the best of terms (my insecurity and paranoia and his youthful arrogance and need to explore life through various "mood enhancing substances") but time has obviously matured the two of us and we just chatted - life, love, the past, the future and a whole lot more. After an hour he called me back and we continued chatting until the back door suddenly opened and in walked K - Bugger me, was I surprised!

I said a fond farewell to Jerry and welcomed my husband home - after speaking to me on the phone he had decided the weather was going to get worse and had left to try and beat it. We were strangely polite, a little cold and very detail orientated; but thinking about what many people had said I tried not to put my own hurt first and just listened.

He talked about the funeral arrangements, about driving around London, about Jack (nephew) winning a competition and other general stuff. He hit the brandy and I filled up my wine glass. At one time we were talking about the funeral and we almost hit on how he was feeling but I guess I pushed too hard and the barriers came down and we returned to the safety of the mundane.

At about 3.30am I eventually called in tired, he said he was going to watch a bit of TV and would be up soon. I leaned across and kissed him said I was "glad he was home and that I had missed him". I told him not to be too long, and went off to
bed. At 5.30ish I woke to find the bed beside me cold and empty so went downstairs with the duvet and covered him up. I lay upstairs and pondered on how distant he felt from me - I know he is grieving and having to do this his own way, but I cant help feeling just a little peed off at him -selfish, selfish me!

So as not to wake him I lay in bed all Saturday morning just reading and listening to the radio. Just after 12 I heard him coughing and felt it was a good time to get up. Hair all mussed up and drawing on his first fag, he looked like a little lost boy we mumbled round our coffee, not really saying anything, but at least being together.

The rest of Saturday was spent doing household chores and generally plebbing. TV - cold comfort for lonely souls. I said I didn't fancy cooking and could we order Pizza, he kinda pulled his face, said he would go to local shops and buy some. I said it kinda defeated the non cooking thang, I really, really couldn't even be bothered to turn on the oven, so he agreed and Pizza was ordered.

K cracked open a bottle of wine, but I didn't feel like any (must really be feeling down). We started to watch "Bone Collector" but he said he was tired and was going to bed, my turn then to stay up watching TV. I woke at about 2.30 cold and stiff, the TV happily mewling on to itself. On Sundays we usually call round our respective families and this morning was no different - only I just felt sad - the most we ever talk is when we are the phone to other people.

Then between phone calls he shocked me by asking me what was up, he said he was conscious that I hadn't been talking, that I was okay when Malcom had been here, but that he felt something was up, that he didn't want to suddenly be bitten in the butt, like the last time I announced I was unhappy. "So what the f***s up" he demanded and you know what I said "nothing, I'm not sure".

I just couldn't handle it, I switched on the comp, meaning to get him to read my blog, but he'd already picked up the phone and dialed a number , so I went and had a bath whilst he spoke to his cousin Linda. I lay in the bath thinking, "he'll see the blog, he'll read it, he'll understand" - But nope, subtlety once again proves fruitless.

So because I've reached an impasse and no longer feel able to verbalise I'm now unable to even begin trying to let him know what I'm feeling. Got so much going round my tiny brain there is no way for me to start releasing bits of it in case it all spurts out and I'm left in total freak mode and we end up saying things we don't really mean.

So this morning I got up an went for a walk, it was whilst walking in the dark, listening to the sea, that I also decided to do the "Special K" diet, you know the one where you eat kellogs cereal twice a day and have a balanced meal. If I cant control my feelings I can at least get some control in this area. Two bowls of cereal eaten and I'm feeling okay. Got soup planned for tonight - easy to do before rehearsals and K can heat up once he gets in from work.

Blueness surrounds this sorry soul but I know its not the end, nor the beginning, "life goes on and we just have to get over it". Maybe I can drown my sorrows in a box of special K?!?


at 9:24 am

Strange links - Any ideas on how to stop them?

Actually looking for a bit of advice. My posts seem to be getting strange links in them. See below. I didnt link to the search engine but its there?

What am I doing wrong?

No comment

Sunday, January 09, 2005 at 2:18 am

Mens English

Loved this - Life is clarified in a greater depth.

1. I am hungry = I am hungry!

2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy!

3. I am tired = I am tired!

4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!

5. I love you = Let's have sex now!

6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?

7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you.

8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you.

9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you.

10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you.

11. I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay!


Friday, January 07, 2005 at 11:06 pm

A poem

Jerry, who I have just got in touch with, once told me my poetry was sentimentalists bullshit.

Do you remember Jerry?

So a decade, and more later, I'm still giving in to the urge. Apologies up front.

If I were brave
I would come to you.
If I were strong
I would hold you.
If I could believe in all
I would be with you.
My soul,
my heart
my earth.
You are
And yet
there is so little.
We ask so little.
We ponder,
We want,
I wish,
I feel,
I need
you .
Once upon a time we began with a


You and me
and some balloons!

1 comment

at 9:50 am

Bit of a morning rant.

Okay, I know I'm probably in the wrong, but this morning at 7.40am on my way to work I decided to stop off and get some money from a cash point machine. Now Blyth High Street is not particularly busy at the best of times but at this time in the morning the words "Ghost Town" sound about right.

So I pulled up on the left side of the road, parking in the Taxi bay but right at the back, it was empty and I figured that any Taxis would pull up in front of me and just park up. As I started to cross the road to get to the bank this taxi came down the road beeping horn and lights flashing. I did that funny little jog/walk we all do thinking he was objecting to me being on the road.

Nope he proceeded to pull up BEHIND my car roll down his window and scream across the road "Wieye Man (Hey You) woman yuv blocked off al the "f***ing taxis getting int the taxi rank" (Sorry Geordie in text is difficult to get over) I turned and looked at him, then looked up the high street to see a whole four vehicles - mine, his, a white van parked up about 50 yards away outside a cafe (obviously getting the morning butties) and a Bus - I shook my head wearily and proceeded to get out my money.

Then, and I'm not really sure what came over me, but I walked across to this obviously angry man who had now maneuvered around my car to park in the empty taxi rank, and said "I'm really sorry about parking in the taxi rank, but you know there are thousands of people who have died in these last couple of weeks, thousands more who are suffering through loss, if maneuvering around my car on an empty street is the biggest problem you are dealing with get a life you pugnacious git" and walked back to my car.

Now I know I wasn't right to do this, but boy did I feel better for it. Luckily he didn't feel the need to get out of his taxi and beat me to death in fact his succint retort was to flick me the bird as I drove past.

Life has a perspective and sometimes we just have to realise that our sad little lives are blessed.

To all taxi drivers out there:

I wish you nothing but safe

driving and sober clients...


Thursday, January 06, 2005 at 1:51 pm

On wards and upwards.

Well things move forwards, even though we sometimes wish we could stop the world and get off for a while.

I left work last night with a grand flourish off "I'm off to see a man about my flap" - Sadly he didn't turn up so flap is still open to the world and my pussies are still being persecuted by Felix. How could he?

Rosie looking persecuted!

Isn't she just beautiful?
Rehearsals went well. Everyone is "off books" and its all coming together. We are now starting to get together costume and props. I need to find a big haired brown wig and gather together pink clothes? I'm not a particularly "pink" person myself, in fact BLACK tends to come to mind when I think about my wardrobe. My mum informs me that she only ever put me in pink once when I was about four - I left the house dressed in a cutsie pink dress, white ankle socks with pink ribbons and cute pink shoes. I returned with one shoe, two socks - no ribbons - and a Dennis the menace t.shirt. A good swap as far as I was concerned. So I'm off to Oxfam over the weekend to see if I can actually bring myself to pick up something pink!

Keefe called late last night to confirm that funeral arrangements had all been organised and he had spent much of the day fulfilling the role of chauffeur. He is still very matter of fact, but I think that he will be like this to the funeral itself - at least that's what I'm hoping. There is a deadness to his voice which cuts me to the quick and I constantly want to berate him with my own questions of fear and uncertainty, but realise that that just isn't what he needs right now.

I told mum that we would be driving down to London Wednesday night and returning Sunday, sadly she has now realised that she wont be able to come with us as she has a hospital appointment on Saturday. I'm actually quite happy with the outcome as I'm not sure who would eventually end up supporting whom.

Its seems that everyone I speak to has had a bad Christmas or New Year in one way or anther, be it health or happiness that has been affected, so as I sit and ponder my own little pond of unhappiness I feel better knowing I'm not the only frog under the lily pad that is feeling a little blue.

On the up side of things I've been in touch with an old school friend, Jeremy, who is currently going through hell, but happy to be back in contact. I didn't quite make it out of bed for a walk this morning, but I at least woke feeling like a bonafide member of the human race.

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Wednesday, January 05, 2005 at 1:50 pm

What happened to the Bunnies and butterflies?

Brrrrrr went my alarm. Actually it didn't "Da,da da" went the news pips. I woke nursing a sore head, a fury tongue and a desperate need for more sleep. How did I get into this state again - a recap may be in order!

Just as I was leaving work last night Hx called me. She had read my blog and wanted to offer "worms" of comfort and fortitude. Which she did as she was diving in and out of the traffic in London. Her bravery reduces me to Garfield like grins at times and I think "This is my Friend". We chatted about her life and blog and discussed life, love and I told you so's. I left work feeling

I got into my car and drove like a maniac to wards the sea. My drive home is somewhat lovely, I actually drive towards the coast and at the end of each day I am greeted by the wonder of the sea, last night she was dark and angry, the windmills whirred with a fierce ferocity I almost gloated at her darkness because - I was loved!

Tina and Rosie greeted me at the door with the usual mewling that I in my cat madness assume means "where have you been? Felix (a stray cat) has been again and we haven't got any food left. Feed us, stroke us..."

I ran round like an crazed being, one moment feeding the cats, the next watering the plants (I had promised my mum I would undertake this chore at least once a month and had forgotten to do it already). The hunt began for my shoes, why does one always displace itself into a room you could swear you have never removed your shoes in? The washing was taken out of the machine and hung, the bed covers sorted out - Bally cats - and the Hoover returned to its rightful living place. I grabbed my script and returned to the confines of the car. Bugger I thought as my stomach growled - Forgot to eat!

Because we didn't have a rehearsal last night (It being a Bank Holiday an all) an additional "word bash" had been organised at Kaths house, one of the other "thesbians". Kath and Dave opened the door and greeted me with - "we knew you were coming straight from work so your tea is in the kitchen". Hmmm life is almost perfect - vegi quiche, carrots, sweetcorn, broccoli and roasties - a glass of red wine to help it all down and the word bashing began.

On the whole we are doing really well. A few prompts, but saying your lines whilst sitting on the carpet in a living room differs totally from saying them when on stage. I need to slow down, my southern drawl is coming along nicely. Strange how once you have cracked and accent you never loose the ability to slip into it.

At about 9pm we broke for a cup of coffee and some xmas cake. Six females in a room eating cake and the conversation turned to how unfair it is that our respective partners/husbands/men folk can eat what they want and not put on weight. And even worse how they partners/husbands/menfolk, inevitably rub our noses in this calorific disdain by stuffing their faces with chocolates, biscuits and general goodies right there - IN FRONT OF US!!! There is an awful lot of warmth and encouragement coming from my fellow board treaders and I left the rehearsal feeling "loved".

Once home the gin bottle struck up a conversation with me "go on, just the one - you've had a really long day", it went. But said I, "I kinda made that non-resolution to cut back on drinking through the week" "But it was your first day back at work, you deserve it" it coaxed in its green and silky voice.

I eased my large and flabby butt (must start walking again) onto the sofa and soaked up the "wellbeing" that comes with the first sip of alcohol. The phone rang - Keefe? Nope my mum.

I have a rather strange relationship with my mum, that I will no doubt blogg on some time in the future, let us just say we agree to disagree on most things but I love her deeply. She is currently in Coventry looking after the grandchildren of close family friends, Deb and Pete, who are over in Germany praying for good news about their daughter Sarah who may have MS. The kids are driving mum to despair, but she loves to be needed so is in the best place.

That was actually why she had called me "to see that I was okay, and did I want her to come to the funeral?". I wasn't sure how to react I've only ever been to one funeral and am not sure about the etiquette of inviting guests. Just as I was about to dive into my usual sarcastic retort I suddenly realised that like me with Keefe what she wanted to hear was "yes, I need you to be there with me", so instead of biting off her head I changed my answer and said" that I would ask the family and if it was okay with them I could use her support". Spreading the love!

Feeling very pleased with myself I poured another
healthy looking G&T and returned to the TV. Half an hour of plebbing - just what the Dr ordered. Sex and the city - Mirandas mom's funeral!!!! Poured myself a third G&T through tears.

Phone rang - it was Keefe. The Funeral is on Thursday next week. He will be back Friday probably.... Still cold, but he said he loved me. We said goodnight. "just one more" I mumbled as I filled up my glass again.

Ali McBeal music started and I settled once more into the comfortable arms of my sofa.Best lines.
Brian: Sometimes Ali you just don't know when your with the right person.
Ali: No but you do know when your with the wrong person.

Through more tears I reached once more for the green bottle... Okay, so maybe not just one, but just one more as a good night drink!!!

Brushed teeth and went upstairs to
bed. An empty bed - rearranged the pillows to form a human shape, picked up my book "Hogfather" and realised that the writing was dancing in front of the page, how many did I have. Book down, cats ensconced on legs and the beauteous arms of sleep embraced me.

Brrr went the alarm - actually it didn't .... I was just saying to Hx yesterday that the bunnies and butterflies that used to wake me up in the morning (Think Sandy in Greese - the cartoon titles) have suddenly gone awol and been replaced with Shrek coming down from a serious acid trip.

Why does my obligatory morning barf after copious amounts of alcohol always taste of coke? I didnt drink coke last night. Luckily no sweetcorn either - now there is a mystery!

So here I sit in my little comp suite pretending to be an actual living member of the work force called North Tyneside Council. I've coaxed two learners through learndirect courses - making sense, I think, when discussing page formatting - and have replied to numerous emails about forth coming courses. I will produce a program once my head stops spinning and my stomach settles.

At 12 I enforced the 3 minute silence and then sat thinking about the loss and pain thousands of people are going through and how pittious my emotive trantrum of yesterday was. Then I thought "why 3 minutes" especially as we only honor the battlefield dead with 2 on Rememberance day. Then I thought isn't 3 minutes a long time... and my nails need a manicure and ... it was all over. The world continued on with its hustle and bustle. Am I a bad person for letting my mind wander at such a time - especially when I know for a fact its too immature to be out on its own?

I decided to spend the next hour or so blogging or looking at other blogs (I have such a great job)to see how other people do it... (Not an original idea in this head of mine)but I got bored reading about strangers lives, so I looked at all the links on Hx's site. At least these people are not complete strangers - what interesting lives they all lead; opinions expressed with wit and sarcasm when and wherever needed.

So I'm back. Blogging just for the sake of blogging. I'm still feeling "disjointed" about Keefe. He is handling his grief in his way and I'm not a bad person for feeling left out, but neither is he a bad for acting this way. I must take ownership of my own misery - after all, he hasn't told me to get all paranoid and upset because he is unable to talk to me about how he is feeling, that choice and emotion is mine. I am a much loved person and I need to remember that especially at times when I feel lost in this strange world of emotion and moods.

This afternoon I'm leaving work early because the doubleglazing man is coming to install a new magnetic cat flap. Felix will no longer persecute my felines and steal their food.

Tonight Im attending rehearsals Act 2 - must try and do a bit of line learning, I die after the first scene of act 2 so not much to learn.

Keefe is meeting with his family today to discuss funeral arrangements. I will endeavor on our next phone conversations to let him know I love him and if and when he wants to talk I'm here. Hx. can you endeavor to be there when he doesn't ;0)

Onwards and upwards with the joy of living.


Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 11:02 am

Sad News

I know this is going to sound a little trite when you consider the deaths that have happened over the last couple of weeks, but Keefe received a phone call at 9.30pm on Saturday night to say his mum had died at 8.30pm.

Keefe when he got the phone call was very quiet and closed off, almost unemotional, and I in my usual introspective paranoid state was left feeling that he had once again blocked me out. His lack of emotion/grief meant I felt I couldn't allow myself to cry in case he felt that my tears demeaned his feelings - He says I'm way to emotive and use my emotion as a way of grabbing attention. Round and round on our emotional merry-go-round we go. I constantly ask myself why Im so concerned with the way I think other people are thinking, why dont I just ask them, nine times out of ten I know they are not thinking/feeling what I think they are, but I end up winding myself up into a introspective ball of hurt.

Anyway the rest of Saturday night was spent keeping a stiff upper lip and playing Elvis Presley Monopoly (don't ask), we, Malcolm, Keefe and I, also drank alot and ate copious amounts of crackers and cheese left over from our New Years day snack. I won Monopoly (but have to admit to some seriptitious cheating) if people dont notice is it cheating or good game manangement.

At about 2.30am both Malcolm and I agreed it was time for
bed. Keefe poured another Brandy and said he wanted to watch some TV. I checked on him ever hour or so, but he just sat in the chair staring at the TV, at 5.30am I took a duvet down and covered him up as he had finally fallen asleep.

He left yesterday morning - Monday - to go down to his family in London. I asked him if he wanted to me to go with him and he said "you can if you want" I said "no, maybe this is meant to be just you and your family". What I actually needed him to say was "Yes, please come, I want you with me" but he didn't.

After he and Malcolm had left I tidied up the house. Why does dusting and cleaning the house always make me feel so much more in control? Then I drank the left over beer in the fridge and walked round the house wondering why being on your own felt better than being alone with someone you love.

I cried for Nanny Nell - lit a candle, then sat for a while and remembered her. Ive only met her a handful of times, but she has such a strong hold on Keefe that I think I was actually honouring his love and emotional bond rather than the woman herself.

I was going to blog about the New Years Day open house we had, but this kind of put things in prospective for me. A sad start for 2005, but unlike those who have lost people in the tsunami disaster we at least were a little prepared for this loss, we should I suppose be grateful for small mercies.


Previous Posts
The long road...
It all makes sense...
Cat on a hot tin window.
Ahh drunk and disorderly...
Creation Vs TV
Is it starting again?
Body Image
Mobiles are the devils toys
Men - cant live with them
Whoopee - my brothers home!!

12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006

Links to other mad souls
Dylan & I
Stan Files
Quest 4 Aragorn
Naughty Milkmaid
Queen B - Naughty Millkmaids Mum
Milk Yuk
Other sites that make me think
My Boyfriend is a tw*t
Stupid Beautiful Lies
Kathryn Jane Bellowed
To whom it may concern
Rehtorical Answers