Well things move forwards, even though we sometimes wish we could stop the world and get off for a while.
I left work last night with a grand flourish off "I'm off to see a man about my flap" - Sadly he didn't turn up so flap is still open to the world and my pussies are still being persecuted by Felix. How could he?
I left work last night with a grand flourish off "I'm off to see a man about my flap" - Sadly he didn't turn up so flap is still open to the world and my pussies are still being persecuted by Felix. How could he?
Rosie looking persecuted!

Isn't she just beautiful?
Rehearsals went well. Everyone is "off books" and its all coming together. We are now starting to get together costume and props. I need to find a big haired brown wig and gather together pink clothes? I'm not a particularly "pink" person myself, in fact BLACK tends to come to mind when I think about my wardrobe. My mum informs me that she only ever put me in pink once when I was about four - I left the house dressed in a cutsie pink dress, white ankle socks with pink ribbons and cute pink shoes. I returned with one shoe, two socks - no ribbons - and a Dennis the menace t.shirt. A good swap as far as I was concerned. So I'm off to Oxfam over the weekend to see if I can actually bring myself to pick up something pink!
Keefe called late last night to confirm that funeral arrangements had all been organised and he had spent much of the day fulfilling the role of chauffeur. He is still very matter of fact, but I think that he will be like this to the funeral itself - at least that's what I'm hoping. There is a deadness to his voice which cuts me to the quick and I constantly want to berate him with my own questions of fear and uncertainty, but realise that that just isn't what he needs right now.
I told mum that we would be driving down to London Wednesday night and returning Sunday, sadly she has now realised that she wont be able to come with us as she has a hospital appointment on Saturday. I'm actually quite happy with the outcome as I'm not sure who would eventually end up supporting whom.
Its seems that everyone I speak to has had a bad Christmas or New Year in one way or anther, be it health or happiness that has been affected, so as I sit and ponder my own little pond of unhappiness I feel better knowing I'm not the only frog under the lily pad that is feeling a little blue.
On the up side of things I've been in touch with an old school friend, Jeremy, who is currently going through hell, but happy to be back in contact. I didn't quite make it out of bed for a walk this morning, but I at least woke feeling like a bonafide member of the human race.
Keefe called late last night to confirm that funeral arrangements had all been organised and he had spent much of the day fulfilling the role of chauffeur. He is still very matter of fact, but I think that he will be like this to the funeral itself - at least that's what I'm hoping. There is a deadness to his voice which cuts me to the quick and I constantly want to berate him with my own questions of fear and uncertainty, but realise that that just isn't what he needs right now.
I told mum that we would be driving down to London Wednesday night and returning Sunday, sadly she has now realised that she wont be able to come with us as she has a hospital appointment on Saturday. I'm actually quite happy with the outcome as I'm not sure who would eventually end up supporting whom.
Its seems that everyone I speak to has had a bad Christmas or New Year in one way or anther, be it health or happiness that has been affected, so as I sit and ponder my own little pond of unhappiness I feel better knowing I'm not the only frog under the lily pad that is feeling a little blue.
On the up side of things I've been in touch with an old school friend, Jeremy, who is currently going through hell, but happy to be back in contact. I didn't quite make it out of bed for a walk this morning, but I at least woke feeling like a bonafide member of the human race.