So I pulled up on the left side of the road, parking in the Taxi bay but right at the back, it was empty and I figured that any Taxis would pull up in front of me and just park up. As I started to cross the road to get to the bank this taxi came down the road beeping horn and lights flashing. I did that funny little jog/walk we all do thinking he was objecting to me being on the road.
Nope he proceeded to pull up BEHIND my car roll down his window and scream across the road "Wieye Man (Hey You) woman yuv blocked off al the "f***ing taxis getting int the taxi rank" (Sorry Geordie in text is difficult to get over) I turned and looked at him, then looked up the high street to see a whole four vehicles - mine, his, a white van parked up about 50 yards away outside a cafe (obviously getting the morning butties) and a Bus - I shook my head wearily and proceeded to get out my money.
Then, and I'm not really sure what came over me, but I walked across to this obviously angry man who had now maneuvered around my car to park in the empty taxi rank, and said "I'm really sorry about parking in the taxi rank, but you know there are thousands of people who have died in these last couple of weeks, thousands more who are suffering through loss, if maneuvering around my car on an empty street is the biggest problem you are dealing with get a life you pugnacious git" and walked back to my car.
Now I know I wasn't right to do this, but boy did I feel better for it. Luckily he didn't feel the need to get out of his taxi and beat me to death in fact his succint retort was to flick me the bird as I drove past.
Life has a perspective and sometimes we just have to realise that our sad little lives are blessed.
To all taxi drivers out there:
I wish you nothing but safe
driving and sober clients...