But all these minor panics aside the first night of the "Delaval Players" production of "Steel Magnolias" was actually a hit. There were obviously a few hiccoughs but (hopefully) nothing the audience were aware of. There was laughter and tears and a little more laughter. My mum was heard to be telling everyone who would listen that she "had paid £35.oo to see Miss Saigon in Sunderland and compared to our play it was crap"- bless her!
I had one sticky moment in the first scene of Act 2 when I realised I didn't have a photograph I was supposed to show to the girls on stage, I had left the bag it was in in the dressing room. My throat dried up, my hands broke out into a sweat and I attempted to get the stage managers attention by fiddling with some rollers whilst whisphering "help me, Ive forgotten my bag". It didnt take me long to realise I was being ignored and not wanting to create too much of a scene I realised I was on my own. I fast tracked through my lines, spotted a moment when I could leave the stage without blowing anyone's lines and sat and waited. At the appropriate moment I calmly walked from the stage, belted round the back into the dressing room picked up the photo and a spare mag on route and managed to make it back on to the stage before my next line - PHEW!
The director was apparently having a fit as was Kath who had to say a line to me, but all in all it worked out and 'cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my bum' (far less painful than in my eye) I wont forget the bally thing tonight!
Pic of K and Reavley doing lights and sound.

Think K is laughing at my inability to get my lines right!!!!