The PlayPygmalion is a hit - we've had two great audiences and the cast have done a real good job. The Sound though - God I should be doing it full time! Seriously though there were a few "hic-cups"; a bit of the set was put on backwards, a couple of dropped lines and last night the two leads decided to skip two pages of text but who in the audience was to know! Everyone I spoke to really enjoyed it and it enthused me to climb back up on stage and see if I could find my very own banana skin.Last night tonight so it will be one of tears, crashed sets and copious amounts of air kissing *Dhaling you were dhivine*.The relationshipI think Ive done plenty of plodding these last few weeks/months and last night I made my first stride towards a different path *sigh*. Now Im not saying Im actually going to rush down this new path, Im stood contemplating the view ahead of me and whilst it looks a little scary it also looks manageable - there's a couple of hills, a few scary forests (maybe I will see dragons and Ewoks!) but Im beginging to feel that with my friends to accompany me and bottle or seven it might be the route.TechnologyIm prone to loose it, drop it down the toilet or forget to switch the bally stuff on but this morning I beat my head upon my desk and howled at the tech gods who thwart my very existence when I switched my mobile on and read the follow message "Ive kissed a boy". Hooorahhhh
Just goes to prove that life does go on!
The meal
I was going to blog about our night out but I'm fed up of sounding like a severely depressed wife, so I'm just going to say the meal was gorgeous - definitely up to its usual standards; if it wasn't the lack of conversation might have put a dampener on the whole evening, as it was I had some great nosh and happily slurped my way through a bottle of wine - cause I can!
Yep another play coming up, technical rehearsal took place on Sunday and went well, at least K and I didn't argue that much. K is doing lights and rather than treading the boards I've decided to do sound this time. The play itself is awful, but the cast and Madeline the producer have done a good job with a fairly non-descript script. I've not done sound for years so I'm a bit hessed up about it, but there are no complicated sound effects so its should be fairly easy. Full tec and dress tonight and the first night is tomorrow.
Tina the bunny slayer
So far we have had three live mice, two dead and three live bunnies - all of whom have been liberated without a scratch. This time though the girls must have got a bit rough
So this is the first dead one - Owwwww!
Update on the streaks
Someone today told me I was looking very brown I showed them my legs and oh how they laughed.
The Games afoot,
Follow your spirit; and
upon this charge, Cry
- God for peace (slight change)
England and St. George
Actually quite like the ideas of dragons, so if you find any please dont slay them
D_mans site reliably (if anything in this strange internet world is reliable) informs me its officially the day to find the person who got you started in your journal and wish them a happy daySo I must therefore send out a huge thank you to Hx, aka - Pwincess, Hooch and the woman I admire deeply for her ability to put on a deep red lipstick perfectly without the aid of a mirror and walk in heels I get vertigo just looking at. She is truly a succulent wild woman!
but how do you know when the time is right to start the process that will begin the pain? I’ve spent most of this week trying to sort out my own feelings, put my own desires into constructive order, to assess what I want or need against what I feel is wrong or right - and if the truth be told I’m still no closer to resolving my issues or facing the truth. I think I’m trying to find the strength to have the conversation that will end "us". K and I have had problems communicating for a long time, we have in the past done the screaming and throwing of objects and reached the bags packed and "its all over" talks. Somehow though we have always reconciled our hurts and forgiven the verbal abuse raged at each other - We have begun again. And for a while the "again" is good, the effort is made to do the right thing, think the right thought and share ourselves with each other. But though time is a great healer she is also a slovenly wench who allows us to fall into the trap of "complacency". We don’t bother because we know each other so well, we don’t think to touch, kiss or hand hold because we've now been married for four years, we don’t communicate because we have nothing left to say so lets switch on the TV and see what Joey or Nip tuck has to say that might brighten our lives. This weekend has made me realise that I’m scared of being alone but even more scared of spending the rest of my life in a relationship that has little or no meaning, love, passion or friendship. I don’t want to feel like the TV is our only form of communication and the occasional tit grope or ass pat our only form of physical contact. My sulky soul berates me as I sit on the sofa stung by harsh words "there has to be more - demand it" and then I drink my way to the bottom of another bottle and the lush in my head screams at me "no wonder there isn’t any more, look at you, you drunken cow" and the fight continues until I don’t know whose side I am on. I know in the depths of me that K loves me and I love him. It has to be - or this would be easier! But I do not know if this is enough. So still I rant and rave at the injustice of an imperfect marriage, but have no sensible tools for fixing it, for quantifying to the man I swore to love forever this pain in my heart and tears that feel like acid upon my face. So still I ask - when is the right time?Less Happy More Often
Once in a while,
We share a thought
But most of all we drift apart
Haven't you noticed
We seem less happy more often
And I don't know what to do
Whether to be with you
And I'm as sure as sure
I can't live without you
So what is to become of us
How do we get it back
I'm as certain as you
That I don't like it
When we embrace
The thrill is gone
But in reality we hardly touch at all
Haven't you noticed
We get more lonely
More often
And I don't know what to do
Whether to be with you
And I'm as sure as sure
I'm sure I can't live without you
So what is to become of us
Where do we go from here
I'm as upset as you
At how our love has gone
When we began
We shared a dream
And all our strength was in our unity
Haven't you noticed we seem less mighty
More helpless
I don't know what to do
I can't put the blame on you
But I can't blame myself
So it's neutral
So what is to become of us
How do we get it back
I'm as desperate as you
To be in love again
So what is to become of us
How do we get it back
I'm as desperate as you
To be in love again
Joan Armatrading - Lovers speak
Aunty Hooch and Lady Letty, Mummy apologies for not blogging, but shes acting like she has her head stuck up her bottom for the last week or so - me I just like to lick mine.
So me and my sister Rosie decided to fill in whilst she is being "sulky".
Firstly this is me

And this is my sister Rosie.

We have both settled into the trailer really well. I specially like my view through the window, I can see the sea and some very big mice - mummy keeps calling them wabits but I know they are mice and as soon as I find some smaller ones Im going to ask them if they want to play cat chase - one of my favourite games.
My current favourite game is "in or out" but mummy gets the grum when I try to play this at 3am - I thought you said she was an early bird... hmmmm .... sorry side tracked!
Daddy still hasnt fitted the cat flap that they brought last week, this is one more thing for mummy to nag him about, so we are still having to go out through the window. Rosie keeps teasing me cause she is of a slightly slimmer frame and manages to do this quite easily.
Me though Im a bit scared and have to work up to it. Mummy thought it was funny to take some pics of me leaving - which Rosie says I have to add...

Venturing out the window....
Me though I prefer this angle.

Well its been puurty fun to write. Im sure mummy will pull her fliping paw out next week and blog properly.
Miow to Lady Lotty.