Five years ago yesterday K got down on one knee and proposed!
He had travelled 7 hours in a plane, which for a consummate smoker was a great feat, and we had spent the last four days exploring the wonderful world of Boston. I had been travelling myself for five months and he had,vicariously, come with me. Without K's support from home I probably wouldn’t of had as much fun, I felt safe exploring the world whilst he was looking after my house, sorting out my money problems and sending constant words of love and encouragement.
On this day five years ago we had spent the day in Boston holding hands, talking futures and picking out a ring. We sat in the the Cheers bar, hunted for twinkies and returned to our flea pit hotel to drink Champaign and promised the world to each other.
I didn’t want flowers or even a card just a remembering - a recognition of this day.
On the way home I picked up some beer, cause I knew he didn’t have any, and wine cause I knew I didn’t have any. I cooked dinner and waited for him to come home. Unusually we actually communed about our days - we ate dinner and watched TV.
At 9.10 K announced he was going to bed, as he turned to leave I mumbled "happy engagement anniversary - 5 years!" to which he replied "oh yeah, so it is". Returned to peck me on the lips and went off to bed!
Is this a male thing?
Am I doing a "female thing"?
Am I wanting too much? Most guys will probably be thinking "what the fluck is she going on about, its no big deal - its not even a proper anniversary" but it is to me and, well, it just feels like one more sadness for me to store.
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Tuesday, April 05, 2005 at 9:12 am
Being silly about a silly anniversary
Hx said...
Shannon said...
Hx said...
throw these at him:
Wild Mood Swings said...
Shannon said...
Thanks for the BLoke HUgs - may I also say congratulations and welcome back Danger mouse!
Shannon said...
Ooo Hx Ive got a vision - its a pair of worker boots peeking out from under them thare stones....
Think Dorothy, ruby shoes and "I'll get you my pretty".