I was going to blog about our night out but I'm fed up of sounding like a severely depressed wife, so I'm just going to say the meal was gorgeous - definitely up to its usual standards; if it wasn't the lack of conversation might have put a dampener on the whole evening, as it was I had some great nosh and happily slurped my way through a bottle of wine - cause I can!
Yep another play coming up, technical rehearsal took place on Sunday and went well, at least K and I didn't argue that much. K is doing lights and rather than treading the boards I've decided to do sound this time. The play itself is awful, but the cast and Madeline the producer have done a good job with a fairly non-descript script. I've not done sound for years so I'm a bit hessed up about it, but there are no complicated sound effects so its should be fairly easy. Full tec and dress tonight and the first night is tomorrow.
Tina the bunny slayer
Someone today told me I was looking very brown I showed them my legs and oh how they laughed.