Pygmalion is a hit - we've had two great audiences and the cast have done a real good job. The Sound though - God I should be doing it full time!
Seriously though there were a few "hic-cups"; a bit of the set was put on backwards, a couple of dropped lines and last night the two leads decided to skip two pages of text but who in the audience was to know! Everyone I spoke to really enjoyed it and it enthused me to climb back up on stage and see if I could find my very own banana skin.
Last night tonight so it will be one of tears, crashed sets and copious amounts of air kissing *Dhaling you were dhivine*.
The relationship
I think Ive done plenty of plodding these last few weeks/months and last night I made my first stride towards a different path *sigh*.
Now Im not saying Im actually going to rush down this new path, Im stood contemplating the view ahead of me and whilst it looks a little scary it also looks manageable - there's a couple of hills, a few scary forests (maybe I will see dragons and Ewoks!) but Im beginging to feel that with my friends to accompany me and bottle or seven it might be the route.
Im prone to loose it, drop it down the toilet or forget to switch the bally stuff on but this morning I beat my head upon my desk and howled at the tech gods who thwart my very existence when I switched my mobile on and read the follow message "Ive kissed a boy".
Just goes to prove that life does go on!