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Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 3:01 pm

Catch up... One two three!

Okay, I know I've been lax, remiss, not bloody here, but seriously, I've been really busy.

So what has been happening?

Outside Edge - the play happened.
It went really well, good houses, a few botched lines, but on the whole the audience seemed to like it and I've had some really good feedback from it. I'm a bit sad cause its going to be my last play for some time, what with this baby stuff going on and all.

New Trailer
K and I decided a couple of weeks ago that we really liked trailer living and we umhhmed and arhed and then decided to upgrade our lovely trailer to an all singing all dancing one, with double glazing and central heating. Its lay out is more housey than our current one and I love it. So we/I have spent the last few weeks packing boxes and getting things ready for the great upheaval.

A visit from Marci
Marci has been up a couple of times now. Its always gorgeous to see her because even with all the health and home stuff she is going through herself she always makes me feel positive and able to cope with stuff.

She caught the bus up - cant remember who she came up with, but it was a complete disaster, no flushing toilet for 7hrs.

We had a thoroughly lovely weekend eating, drinking (them not me, well I had a few) and watching all the TV we had pre-recorded for her. CSI, House and various other stuff.

She even came and sat through the play and helped me load up boxes for the forth coming move. Generally I have to say a bit of a star visit.

K went down to London last weekend to meet up with Robert, they had a good night out, not really a Stag night as such but time for a few drinks, chat about the wedding and a bit of back patting and male support!

Work continues to get strange.
The Mawanker is making things difficult for me in all sorts of stupid little ways - denying me cartridges for my printer so I can't print in classes, changing systems and not telling me etc, the list goes on but is too boring to blog about. I spoke to his assistant and felt a bit better about her. I had been thinking it was a gang up on Shannon situation (Paranoia, my best friend) but it turns out she thinks he is a bit of a git as well, but is just worried about her own situation!

Anyway I'm now trying to decide if I go to the Union and try and get things clarified or if I just need to take the bull by the horns and approach the Mawanker to see if we can clear things up. I know the second options sounds more reasonable but he is just so bally unapproachable and I'm not sure if what I say will be acted on or used against me.

And finally there is/was Halloween.
This is one of my fav times of the year not because of the USA tendency to dress children up as ghosties and ghouls, but because of the Pagan festival Samhuin (pronounced Sow-Ain)its the time of conception, the first three days of winter and is also known as three days of no-time, the three days when the veils between this world and the spirit world do not exist. This is a good time to let go of things that are holding you back and to embrace change and an excellent day to honor the Ancestors and those that are yet to come into this world.

So on Saturday whilst on my own, I lit a candle and thought about those who I have said goodbye too and welcomed those who i have met and will meet!

All in all life is going well, its full of positive vibes (excluding the work front) and I'm heading into the winter thinking things are just actually getting better!



Friday, October 21, 2005 at 1:59 pm

Its a ......


On being told it was a boy at the scan K's face dropped into an expression of disappointment then looking at me he kinda smiled and went "A boy, we're having a boy" but it was all too little too late.

I managed to say goodbye to K, who was returning to work and drop mum off maintaining a smiley "isn't it brilliant" attitude. But once on my own the flood gates opened and I ended up howling the afternoon away convinced he was going to be unable to love the baby growing inside of me.

At 6.45pm I pulled myself from my tear stained existence, eyes swollen and flooded my face with cold water in the hope that it would disguise my blotchy face and puffed up eyes - Hey it works in the movies - and headed off to rehearsals, as they say - the show must go on.

To be honest, I wasn't really there, I fumbled my lines, bimbled round stage and continuously grinned like an idiot when anyone asked the result "Yes, it's a boy", "Yes, its great news", "Yes we are really happy"....

At 10pm I finally got my ass in the car and headed home, dreading seeing K. I walked through the door and was pulled into his arms, getting the biggest hug ever, we talked about the results and he set my fears to rest.

"Yes a girl would have been fantastic, but a boy is too", "Yes, he will love us, does love us and will always love us" and "Yes, I'm a Drama Queen".

So please say hello again to the bigger, clearer TrippleB -
Baby Boy Browning!!!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 10:01 am

20 week scan

Stan, don't read this one, its about babies!!!

As I lay in bed this morning at 2.30am the clock taunting me with its slow tick, tick ..... tick I lay my hands upon my belly and felt the child within kicking blue murder out of me!

Gone are the gentle butterfly sensations, actually its more like wanting to fart in public but forcing yourself to hold it in for fear it might smell, to be replaced with full belly kicks. I wanted to wake K to see if he could feel them but he lay snoring in blissful ignorance and I, in my "ahh bless" mood, let him.

Whilst I lay feeling this small being trampolining around my insides I began to ponder the scan I'm going for today. This is the biggie, the one where they measure all Lille Aliens appendages, head, check out heart, lungs and sexual organs - if possible.

K really wants to know the sex of our future off spring, he really wants a girl, I'm easy as long as it really isn't an Alien. I'm not all that bothered but a sense of apprehension over took me as I lay contemplating how I would handle K's reaction if/when they say, "Congratualtions Mrs B, your having a boy".

You see in this heightened state of hormonal flux I'm not sure I'm not going to cry, I know its silly but I'm scared that if Lille A is male K will be unable to love him. If he finds out it's not a girl will he distance himself from Lille A for the next 4 months, will he feel he has failed, I've failed, we've failed?

As I was digging myself in my usual abyss of fear and uncertainty Lille A did a full front flip followed by a double pike and suddenly I was awash with the undeniable feeling that no matter what Lille A is going to be LOVED!!!

Ain't Biology and Mama Nature clever!!!


Friday, October 14, 2005 at 12:51 pm

Speed Camera's - Public Notice.

UDATE: 19/10/05:


Please check this out.

Following the Governments freedom of information act you can now get access to speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months.

Did you know that every time your car goes past a speed camera, even 1mph over the set limit it is registered and put on a database?

You only get a ticket if you are way over the limit or, (this is the bit that we didn't know) if you receive over 20 near misses, you will be classed as a serial offender and get a ticket the next time you go just over the limit.

This is why you hear of people being done for 34mph in a 30 limit area whilst others doing 39 do not.

You can check what has been registered against your vehicle at the following address Speed Camera Check

You will be asked for a password but just click on the need a password link and you will be given one for future use. If there is any data on your vehicle you can click on the camera window to see a copy of the photograph.

Good luck and I hope they didnt catch you like they got me!!!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 8:21 am

Fair Trade.

Just click and sign....

Something has to be done!!!

No comment

Monday, October 10, 2005 at 9:00 am

Public Property

I'm a fairly tactile person, I love hugs and holding hands with the person I'm with, no matter their gender, is something that is just done without giving it a second thought.

I've even got several boy friends (a male who is a friend, not someone you snog) into trouble in the past for being too tactile. Girlfriends tend to glare at me because I happen to kiss on the mouth, or touch the hands, arms or thighs of the boy they are currently "inflagrante" with. My only defense and I realise its rather weak is "If I'm with you, I'm touching you".

So don't get me wrong I'm loving all the attention, questions and well wishing, but its just that suddenly 19 weeks in to the "joy of pregnancy" my belly has suddenly become public property - Everyone touches it!

This weekend whilst visiting my mum, her next door neighbor, who I've said hello to a couple of times, caught me in the street. "Ohhh hello Shannon, your mums told me the great news" she beamed at me in pure delight then suddenly her hands were all over my belly "you must be delighted" she said giving my belly one final pat.

"Yes - we are" I stammered, shocked and a little unsure whether to grope her boobs in return, after all isn't such personal touching a two way thing! I would hate to be thought of as impolite.

More to the point why is it only pregnant ladies whose bits become public property, I'm sure if I had just had a vasectomy a friendly pat would put me in a smiley way, perhaps when a young girl gets her first bra we should all be patting her budding buds in congratulations - NOOOOOO - please don't take that seriously!

Before I loose track of all decency I'm going to state here and now that I am happy with my belly being public property, I may even consider putting it onto the open market.

I guess its just natures way at getting back at me for being so "pat" friendly with all those boy friends!!!


Friday, October 07, 2005 at 7:45 am

What me - Mood swings?

Okay, I'm fine, really fine, really!

K and I had a bit of an explosion on Saturday, huge great big shouty words, but with limited swearing, we cleared the air and said what was really bugging us. Im thinking perhaps this is how we actually communicate, not the best way, but in the end at least we are talking and that's one step further down the road than we were this time last year.

So all things are good!

Except I'm still hormonal, the cancer advert on TV started me blubbing last night. Physically my belly is now definitely getting bigger, alot of people have started noticing some in a nice way, some not so.

A chap at work informed me yesterday that I needed to get back on my bike cause I was obviously putting a bit of weight back on. After smashing his head against the wall and forcing a pencil up his nose I smiled and said "hmm that kinda thing happens when your pregnant" *dickhead* I whispered.

So onto the not so great issue of Sleep - pp until two nights ago sleep was a nightmare issue. I've generally been existing on 2 to 4hrs sleep a night, not great if your working full time and going to rehearsals.

Ive been reading books and they promised me that at this 18/19 week stage "sleep will be coming easier and you will be blooming". So I've been eagerly waiting for the "blooming" to occur but the only thing blooming at the moment is greasy out of control hair and spots.

HOWEVER on Wednesday night something strange occured, I got six hours sleep! Yes, proper sleep filled sleep. You know the type, you go to bed, your head hits the pillows and the boat to the land of nod pushes off from the dock and your blissfully sailing upon the gentle waves of sleep hush, hushing you into dream land.

But the best thing is I've now had this type of sleep two nights in row and I feel FANTASTIC.

So much so that this morning I was woken by blue birds pulling back my covers, Bambi was at the bottom of my bed with a lotus leaf between his teeth for my to gently cleanse my skin, Thumper giggled as I wiggled into my ever stretchy trousers and "Flower" smiled at me as I combed my hair with a thistle he had dropped at the bottom of my bed.

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Yes, this morning, even though my hairdryer has died and my Mawanker is still very much mawankering I am on cloud nine, pregnant and happy with my lot.

More sleeps like this one and I will become the earth mother I've always dreamt I would be, you know the type serene and in touch with her stretch marks.


Previous Posts
The long road...
It all makes sense...
Cat on a hot tin window.
Ahh drunk and disorderly...
Creation Vs TV
Is it starting again?
Body Image
Mobiles are the devils toys
Men - cant live with them
Whoopee - my brothers home!!

12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006

Links to other mad souls
Dylan & I
Stan Files
Quest 4 Aragorn
Naughty Milkmaid
Queen B - Naughty Millkmaids Mum
Milk Yuk
Other sites that make me think
My Boyfriend is a tw*t
Stupid Beautiful Lies
Kathryn Jane Bellowed
To whom it may concern
Rehtorical Answers