Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Monday, October 10, 2005 at 9:00 am
Public Property
I've even got several boy friends (a male who is a friend, not someone you snog) into trouble in the past for being too tactile. Girlfriends tend to glare at me because I happen to kiss on the mouth, or touch the hands, arms or thighs of the boy they are currently "inflagrante" with. My only defense and I realise its rather weak is "If I'm with you, I'm touching you".
So don't get me wrong I'm loving all the attention, questions and well wishing, but its just that suddenly 19 weeks in to the "joy of pregnancy" my belly has suddenly become public property - Everyone touches it!
This weekend whilst visiting my mum, her next door neighbor, who I've said hello to a couple of times, caught me in the street. "Ohhh hello Shannon, your mums told me the great news" she beamed at me in pure delight then suddenly her hands were all over my belly "you must be delighted" she said giving my belly one final pat.
"Yes - we are" I stammered, shocked and a little unsure whether to grope her boobs in return, after all isn't such personal touching a two way thing! I would hate to be thought of as impolite.
More to the point why is it only pregnant ladies whose bits become public property, I'm sure if I had just had a vasectomy a friendly pat would put me in a smiley way, perhaps when a young girl gets her first bra we should all be patting her budding buds in congratulations - NOOOOOO - please don't take that seriously!
Before I loose track of all decency I'm going to state here and now that I am happy with my belly being public property, I may even consider putting it onto the open market.
I guess its just natures way at getting back at me for being so "pat" friendly with all those boy friends!!!
Hx said...
Just make sure they stop when Baby B is born !
Shannon said...
H - by then I will probably be so used to it, I will expect it.
Milky - If I added in my boobs I could be a great bill board... its def worth looking into!
D-Man - Can you clarify the exact size, Im still not huge, when it gets big Im expecting to be fondled by total strangers.
Wild Mood Swings said...
But please son't do the normal thing of feeling happy to expose that bloated belly in a stupid top.
Like most up the duffers feel obliged to share with everyone , buy bigger tops is what i say.
Your hubby may ' love it '
Apparently the sight of women up the duff are ' the most neautiful sight ' not to me they are not they are gopping , breeders should keep it to themselves and cover it up .
And Shannon i feel sorry for you with all the patters and cooers it must drive you mad.
Just respond to them , with some cutting remark , like ' Can you no longer have them ? Silly me you must have been in the menopause simply ages ago ' I am sure they will stop then.
Shannon said...
LMAO - not sure if I should be offended by Porl's comments! Does this mean I too am a "gopping , breeders".. who..."should keep it to themselves and cover it up".
However have to say I admire your honesty, will just remember not to come introduce myself to you in the next 6 months!
Wild Mood Swings said...
And so it happens again Kerry Katona has said she cannot wait to show off her new bastard
[ bas·tard ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bstrd)n. A child born out of wedlock. ] child in a skinny top.