K and I had a bit of an explosion on Saturday, huge great big shouty words, but with limited swearing, we cleared the air and said what was really bugging us. Im thinking perhaps this is how we actually communicate, not the best way, but in the end at least we are talking and that's one step further down the road than we were this time last year.
So all things are good!
Except I'm still hormonal, the cancer advert on TV started me blubbing last night. Physically my belly is now definitely getting bigger, alot of people have started noticing some in a nice way, some not so.
A chap at work informed me yesterday that I needed to get back on my bike cause I was obviously putting a bit of weight back on. After smashing his head against the wall and forcing a pencil up his nose I smiled and said "hmm that kinda thing happens when your pregnant" *dickhead* I whispered.
So onto the not so great issue of Sleep - pp until two nights ago sleep was a nightmare issue. I've generally been existing on 2 to 4hrs sleep a night, not great if your working full time and going to rehearsals.
Ive been reading books and they promised me that at this 18/19 week stage "sleep will be coming easier and you will be blooming". So I've been eagerly waiting for the "blooming" to occur but the only thing blooming at the moment is greasy out of control hair and spots.
HOWEVER on Wednesday night something strange occured, I got six hours sleep! Yes, proper sleep filled sleep. You know the type, you go to bed, your head hits the pillows and the boat to the land of nod pushes off from the dock and your blissfully sailing upon the gentle waves of sleep hush, hushing you into dream land.
But the best thing is I've now had this type of sleep two nights in row and I feel FANTASTIC.
So much so that this morning I was woken by blue birds pulling back my covers, Bambi was at the bottom of my bed with a lotus leaf between his teeth for my to gently cleanse my skin, Thumper giggled as I wiggled into my ever stretchy trousers and "Flower" smiled at me as I combed my hair with a thistle he had dropped at the bottom of my bed.

Yes, this morning, even though my hairdryer has died and my Mawanker is still very much mawankering I am on cloud nine, pregnant and happy with my lot.
More sleeps like this one and I will become the earth mother I've always dreamt I would be, you know the type serene and in touch with her stretch marks.