Stan, don't read this one, its about babies!!!
As I lay in bed this morning at 2.30am the clock taunting me with its slow tick, tick ..... tick I lay my hands upon my belly and felt the child within kicking blue murder out of me!
Gone are the gentle butterfly sensations, actually its more like wanting to fart in public but forcing yourself to hold it in for fear it might smell, to be replaced with full belly kicks. I wanted to wake K to see if he could feel them but he lay snoring in blissful ignorance and I, in my "ahh bless" mood, let him.
Whilst I lay feeling this small being trampolining around my insides I began to ponder the scan I'm going for today. This is the biggie, the one where they measure all Lille Aliens appendages, head, check out heart, lungs and sexual organs - if possible.
K really wants to know the sex of our future off spring, he really wants a girl, I'm easy as long as it really isn't an Alien. I'm not all that bothered but a sense of apprehension over took me as I lay contemplating how I would handle K's reaction if/when they say, "Congratualtions Mrs B, your having a boy".
You see in this heightened state of hormonal flux I'm not sure I'm not going to cry, I know its silly but I'm scared that if Lille A is male K will be unable to love him. If he finds out it's not a girl will he distance himself from Lille A for the next 4 months, will he feel he has failed, I've failed, we've failed?
As I was digging myself in my usual abyss of fear and uncertainty Lille A did a full front flip followed by a double pike and suddenly I was awash with the undeniable feeling that no matter what Lille A is going to be LOVED!!!
Ain't Biology and Mama Nature clever!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 10:01 am
20 week scan
Wild Mood Swings said...
The opening line was well placed , I have not read beyond that line.
Think that will drive you some extra traffic?
Shannon said...
Anon, thanks for your messages, but Im not really doing this to have my blog "driven" anywhere.
Thanks anyhoo though!
Wild Mood Swings said...
It's just spam , bin it , or change your comments settings to stop this sort of crap