On being told it was a boy at the scan K's face dropped into an expression of disappointment then looking at me he kinda smiled and went "A boy, we're having a boy" but it was all too little too late.
I managed to say goodbye to K, who was returning to work and drop mum off maintaining a smiley "isn't it brilliant" attitude. But once on my own the flood gates opened and I ended up howling the afternoon away convinced he was going to be unable to love the baby growing inside of me.
At 6.45pm I pulled myself from my tear stained existence, eyes swollen and flooded my face with cold water in the hope that it would disguise my blotchy face and puffed up eyes - Hey it works in the movies - and headed off to rehearsals, as they say - the show must go on.
To be honest, I wasn't really there, I fumbled my lines, bimbled round stage and continuously grinned like an idiot when anyone asked the result "Yes, it's a boy", "Yes, its great news", "Yes we are really happy"....
At 10pm I finally got my ass in the car and headed home, dreading seeing K. I walked through the door and was pulled into his arms, getting the biggest hug ever, we talked about the results and he set my fears to rest.
"Yes a girl would have been fantastic, but a boy is too", "Yes, he will love us, does love us and will always love us" and "Yes, I'm a Drama Queen".
So please say hello again to the bigger, clearer TrippleB -
Baby Boy Browning!!!