Once upon a time two souls met whilst traveling along "the road", they met at a junction and sat for a while enjoying life with each other, communicating, laughing and exploring the routes they could take.
They seemed perfect for each other - one of them wanted to be needed and the other needed to be wanted. So they decided to travel along the road together, as man and wife. But as with all stories things happened and choices were given, decisions were agreed upon and life choices were made - or at leasts that's what one of the souls thought. The other soul didn't agree with the choices but kept quiet and because of the silence the misunderstandings grew - the communicating, laughing and exploring stopped and resentment and despondency started.
The souls should have been grown up enough to accept the end of their traveling together, they should have parted company and travelled along thier own road, but along the way they had been joined by a little soul and they thought they could paper over the cracks in their particular road of choice.
Sadly even with the sunlight the little soul brought the rain still thrashed down hard on them and one night in a car park they spewed forth their contempt and hatred, hurt, fists, nails, teeth and anger abounded.
The two souls sat in sadness again at another junction and finally agreed that whilst they loved the little soul deeply they just didn't love each other enough to change: the soul who needed to be wanted was left wanting and the soul who wanted to be needed was left needing. This is the way of the road, its sad but true.
I am left neither lost, confused or looking for inspiration. I know which route I need to take, I have clarity and have found inspiration in my little soul.
I think this could be the end of this blog.
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2