Sometimes when my world seemed to be tumbling into confussion and I didnt know which route, road or path I was supposed to be travelling down I would sit and get drunk and at the bottom of a bottle I would find oblivion or sometimes if I was really lucky solace.
Now Ive found if I just sit and do this

when I look down into his face the world suddenly makes sense.
I heard a thum, a thud, a scuffle - I thought a bird had flown into the open window.
But when I looked out of the window I saw this

I think she thought she could fool the birds into thinking she was just another feathered friend.

Its amazing how superior a cat can look, whilst your helping her get down from a difficult spot!
Should I apologies for my outburst or just put it down to hormones. Should I ignore the way I felt, especially as I was drunk, or is it time I actually faced reality and did what I need to do.
I'm not even sure what it is I need to do. I think I do but then I think again and its a different thought. Its a sad and scary world we are living in, one full of half truths and words unspoken. One full of hurt and silences.
Awww I've no idea what to do, how to make it better, I'm just stuck in this little life trying to make sure the bread doesn't land butter down too often.
I could rock the boat, but I'm not, currently, strong enough to live this life on my own. I don't know how to say the words. I don't even know if I want to.
Bugger -life goes on as they say.