I'm giving in to demands and finally posting a picture of the BELLY!
I'm loathe to do this as I already feel huge, ungainly and somewhat self conscious, but there are some out there who don't believe my belly has surpassed my boobs!

Living proof!!!!
Last week I was upset by remarks made by those who are supposed to be closest to me. So I've spent the week sulking. Only no one seems to realise I'm sulking!
Conversations run like "Are you okay, you seem a bit down"
Sulky Me - "No, I'm fine" *sniff, as if you care*
And life continues in its normal vein. I used to consider myself a great sulker, but I think I must have lost my sulking ability. A week on I've got to decide if I'm wasting my time, attempting to show I'm hurt by not talking.
I've spent alot of this weekend contemplating my options, but I'm not really sure what I want, or how I want to resolve the issues that were raised.
So if someone could just wave a magic wand I'd be very grateful!!!