Not sure if its the surge of hormones or the fact that most nights I spend at least an hour contemplating bringing a life into this world, but on Tuesday the Mawanker demanded my notes and hand outs from the courses I have designed over the last three years at work.
His attitude and my attitude did a quick six rounds, the aggression levels high and I could hear Argumentative me whispering, "I could have had him Harry". Instead of actually ripping his head from his shoulders and urinating down his neck I flounced off with nothing more intelligent than a "interesting" comment. No fear about my verbal prowess then!
Anyway after sitting and contemplating the whole fiasco I gradually calmed down and realised that the Mawanker had every right to ask for my notes and if he had actually asked me in a different way I’m pretty sure that I would have bent over backwards to comply. So I printed out copies of everything and vowed that I would "address the issue" on Wednesday morning.
Had a real s**t night Tuesday night (sorry if I kept you awake Hx) spent most of it going through the thousand permutations of the conversation I was going to have "smeagol, myself and I).
I strode like some Amazonian sleep deprived witch into the office and handed over notes, schemes and handouts for all my courses. I apologised for my reaction to his request and then went on to tell him exactly how aggressive, bullish and non supportive I have found him over the last 6-8 months. I couldn’t shut up my mouth, it splurged out and after 10 mins he sat before me a deflated soul, apologising for making me feel this way!
It was quite a grown up conversation and I certainly feel better for getting it out into the open. I’m pretty certain it wont change a single thing and there was no one there to back me up, but at least I said it in a grow'd up, professional manner rather than the squalling brat I had been on Tuesday night.
Yeah - for the grow'd ups!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 2:15 pm
I grow'd up - argued with the mawanker and then apologised.
1 comment:
Shannon said...
Thanks MM not expecting any great changes, but like you said, I got it off my chest - will keep you posted!!