K was assigned to the spare room, but ended up on the sofa and I crawled between clean sheets (always nice when your feeling low) sprayed the bedding liberally with olbas oil, lathered tiger balm onto my chest, neck and sinuses clutched my winnie the pooh hot water bottle, drank buckets full of hot water and lemon and waited for the war to end.
God I missed my Lemsip toddy! Im sure if I had given in and had a little (hmmm large) whisky the snot monster would have run away and hid. But I was trying to be good, cause of TripleB, I stayed away from all the lovely pharmasuetical aids and alcohol I usually take in conjuntion with each other, I know your not supposed to but its the only way I know of beating the beast.
What use is Para-bloody-cetamol to anyone, it does nothing!
At 3am this morning I woke with cracking headache, snot on my clean pillows, snot on my face and Rosie looking at me in total disbelief as I think Id attempted to use her tail as a hanky. I think this cause when I blew my nose, and checked - why do we do this? - there was fur mingled in with the snot!!!
So this morning I sit in my wee computer suite, eyes like pee holes in the snow, nose doing an impression of a small nuclear disaster and a throat that feels like its swallowed razor blades. Why am I still here, cause Ive got a class to give and Im a fully fledged snot martyr!
Whaaaa I wan my mum, I wan my lemsip toddy, I don wan this cold!!!