Here's a couple of pics of the wee fella!!!

At 4lb 2oz we are looking at an approximate birth weight of 8-9lbs - ain't technology a wonderful thing!
Thursday I had to go for a fasting blood sugar test cause my last bloods showed my sugar levels were "unacceptably high", which could mean that I had gestational diabeties, which isn’t great for me or TripleB.
So at 9am I was attacked by a very hearty and friendly nurse with a huge needle, she seemed to extract a pint of blood and then gave me a very sweet orange tasting drink to "get down", whilst handing it over she said "it doesn’t taste very nice, so take as much time as you like". Having not eaten or drunk anything but water since 9pm I took a tentative sip and then gulped like a thirsty man.... I actually quite liked it!!!
I then sat for what seemed like an endless 2hrs (thank god for MP3's and books) until another nurse came in and stole more of my blood. The tests then went of to the blokes in white coats and I was told to just wait out....
Luckily I got a phone call by 5pm to say the man from Delmonte he say "No to Gestational Diabetes". I scoffed a banana and chocolate spread sandwich and "hurrahed" my good news!