"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy bifday day dear BLOOOOOOGGY
Happy bifday day to yoooooou"
Better late than never and interesting to see where I’ve been over the last year!!!
And now for something seasonal Marci was kind enough to send me this link to a little game called SOBER SANTA - it kept me entertained for quite some time.
K and I have also resolved our differences (again) in a very grown up sit down way. We managed to put aside hurt and accusations and discuss what caused the argument on Sunday last. We resolved to not do the name calling thing in the future, to try and talk to each other in tones less accusatory and to say what we feel at the time rather than bottle little things up and explode over nothing.
Perhaps the prospect of parenthood is making us grow up!!! (Shut up and stop sniggering Snidey me)