The one downside to living in a caravan on a holiday park is that you can't live there all year round. For legal reasons - too boring to go into - you have to be off site for a set amount of time per year. Our site chucks all "residents" off at the beginning of the year and we are not allowed back till the 1st March.
My Mommie and Pops have therefore offered K and I space under their roof. Today K and I packed up a few meagre belongings and ensconced ourselves in the spare room - single beds, which K says is great cause now he will get a good nights sleep as I wont be constantly kicking him whilst tossing and turning, but more storage space than I know how to fill.
I love my parents to bits and know that without them I wouldn’t be half the woman I am now - read that how you will! My dad is very much like me, sharing the same birthday means we share many of the same crabby personality traits - "It’s my shell and you will do things my way when living in it - and by the way I need space".
My mum just wants everyone to be happy so bends over backwards to make sure things are good for everyone, which K loves cause whenever he visists he doesnt have to lift a finger, Mum generally tends to exists in her own world, I fondly refer to it as "Sandy's world".
And then there's me, hormonal, not in charge of the situation and worrying about the cats being on their own in the trailer.
What fun! So as well as attempting to be totally honest about things, blogging endlessly about baby stuff you need to prepare yourself to read about the the traumas and frustrations of living at home!!!
I just wish Sensitive me would stop mantra chanting "Smile and be nice, think bunnies and butterflies".
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2