As I've mentioned in my last entry we have had to move off site and whilst living with my parents is taking some adjusting its been, so far, relatively pain free, except that is that they don’t have SKY TV. Which means that most of the programs I watch - CSI, Nip Tuck, Boston Legal and House all have to be recorded.
Not a problem thinks I - I’m a modern woman and can set the DVD to record, or at least ask K to do it (I believe in empowering him). So before we left we programmed in all our fave shows, which considering I don’t consider myself to be a TV Pleber actually turned out to be quite a lot!!!
Anyway, we've been thinking that we had all these yummy shows to watch over the weekend but how we laughed when we saw naught but an empty disc.
The barstuards who run the site haven’t been switching off the power at night time, which means there is nothing, no House, no CSI, no Nip tuck...
I wail, I sway in anguish, I stomp my feet and pout!!!!
When we assaulted the the admin staff yesterday, Sunday, with demands about our security alarm being affected - thinking this was a sneaky way of saying they couldn’t turn off the power because of that - we were informed that it had a back up power dowatsit and isn’t affected.
Bugger and bums
We are supposed to be recording Stargate for my brother, who is currently out in the Gulf, whatcha reckon think we could guilt trip them with that?