Marci managed to battle her way up the M1 from London to reach us Christmas afternoon.

Marci with a much deserved glass of champers
My mum and dad joined us and we spent the afternoon amid wrapping paper, copious amounts of alcohol and turkey.

Keefe, Mum, Dad and Marci - and a pyrex gravy boat - Oh my gosh, real proof Im trailer trash!
It was a most pleasant day, even though I remained principally sober (darn TripleB). I have to say I indulged in a glass or three of the ole bubbly juice but didn’t do my usual Drinks Fairy trick. Perhaps this was why it was a pleasant day!!!

K after stuffing his face - No more food!
Santa brought a lovely selection of things for everybody even the cats got some much adored catnip and have since been behaving in a most strange and amusing manner!

Where's my present, I remember putting it down somewhere. Memory loss - one of the down sides of catnip!!?
Boxing day was spent flipping through the TV channels attempting to find goggle box entertainment whilst stuffing our faces with left over turkey and sausage rolls.
K got out his new Minidisc and attempted to connect it to his existing system. It didn’t work, so amid muttered swearing and talk of "taking it back" Marci and I giggled at Mans inability to read destructions and set up my new SKYPE phone.
With impending snow we battled down the hatches cracked open various Christmas DVD's and chocolates and settled on the sofa.
On Tuesday Marci left us to battle her way back to London through the snow, K and I plebbed in front of the TV. I distinctly remember contemplating dragging my butt from the sofa and going for a walk but the Siberian wind rattle round the caravan hinting at frozen eye lashes and crusted snot so I ate more chocolate and snuggled deeper in the warmth of the duvet.
Yes the Snot monster remained an unwanted guest throughout the festive period and even paid K and Marci a little visit; see Christmas is a time for sharing!
Today we got up to discover all the water pipes have frozen so we have no water - Ohhh what fun!!!
To alleviate the worry of not showering or brushing our teeth – mmmmm trailer trash festering - K got out his new Minidisk player and attempted, again, to connect it to his JVC systems. He seemed to have had slightly more success than on boxing day because he was able to record from the CD to the minidisk, however he is still unable to record from cassette to minidisk because there is no output from the amplifier, not really sure if that is right, but seems to be what he has spent most of the morning muttering about.
He specifically wanted the minidisk to record all his old tapes onto disc.... but now there is just lots of maybes and humphs and talk of "taking it back" and maybe getting a recordable CD Player.... not sure if there is another solution but have sent out an all points call to Mr T, my Positive Wizard, who is generally able to resolve any issues technical.
I've done all the filing and tidied up the caravan in an effort to prepare for the forth coming New Year. I'm proud to say that this year I have managed to keep my new years resolutions, which was to not make any new years resolutions and thanks to a site Stan found to "fart more in public". Whoops does that mean I haven’t kept my resolutions?
Oh and least I forget congratulations need to go to D-Man and D-Missus, who on the 17th December became the proud parents to D-Other girl.
So that about sums up Christmas of 2005 – I'm not going to muse on things past, I'm going to attempt to be forward looking and positive. Hmm perhaps there is something in this not showering malarkey!!!