This week D-man discovered he was a Insightful Linguist. (I did a similar test and strangely enough I'm also in this elite group - smarm!!!!)
And I got an email telling me I'm going to be a millionaire!!!
We happily announce to you the draw of the National Lottery International programs, held on the 7th of DECEMBER 2005 in Manchester,UK.
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: Blah, blah blah with Serial number Blah/05 drew the lucky numbers: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category.
You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($2,500,000.00) in cash credited to file blah, blah blah. This is from a total cash prize of $25,000,000, shared amongst the first Ten (10) lucky winners in this category. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Website through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 companies.
This promotion takes place annually. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your $2,500,000 in cash credited to file blah, blah blah, would be released to you by our payment office in Europe.
Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning in formation confidential till your claim is processed and your money sent to you.
This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements. Please be warned.
To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:
To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please quote your full names, your country, your private Telephone and fax number, your Reference/batch numbers etc in any correspondences with us or our designated agent. Please be informed that all winning must be claimed on or before 20th of DECEMBER 2005.
Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program. Thank you for being part of our promotional lottery program.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Richard Lloyd,
So of course I replied and then sat and waited.....
and I got this email this morning.
Dear Winner,
How are you doing today? I apologise for the delay in replying you. Your winning is been processed. You are required to open a checking and savings account in Barclays Bank immediately,as soon as you do so, send me the account details.
As soon as the account details is recieved, further instruction will be given to you on how to claim your prize. Please do so as soon as possible.
Once again congratulations and goodluck.
Lucie Gilbert
So naturally I ran out, opened up a bank account and sent my details - NOT!!
But it would have been nice!!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 12:40 pm
Ain't the Tinternet a wonderful thing!
1 comment:
Shannon said...
Now Im really confusticated... I didnt write the above message, unless one of my other personas has escaped and I dont know it.
If you get any strange messages on your boards let me know, cause Im not to blame, but slightly worried.
Oh my goodness, just realised its the other Shannon, USA Shannon, not me Shannon.
Thanks for the hug and nice to know you stop by occassionally!
Ahhh fish goes the memory!