Okay, I've finally taken the bull by the horns and made a complaint to the Union about my situation at work.
Things with the Mawanker were just getting silly. He wouldn't let me order resources I needed for courses and was just making things difficult for me, parts of my job that are integral to what I do were given to the Assistant Manager. Aside from that I have become fairly concerned over the last 6 months or so regarding my contract - and the fact that I didn't really have an updated one.
So I called in my Union rep, who listened to me with sympathy and understanding and things have kicked of. Its all a little scary, cause I'm not doing this to cause problems, I'm just concerned that when I want to return after Maternity leave there will be a job for me to return to.
I'm just hoping that things don't get awkward... I'm not sure I can deal with awkward!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 5:34 pm
I'm am a Union Member and I call upon my brothers and sisters...
Hx said...
defo . . . I agree with the man