Its a simple question and one I pondered lots on Tuesday night.
With TripleB coming into our lives K and I had a grown up, sit down conversation about our living space about a month ago and we decided that whilst we love the trailer trash life we currently exist in there were two main areas of concern:
1) Heating the trailer in the winter
2) Double Glazing
This in mind I had made some investigations and discovered it would cost about 4-5K to get our wee home double glazed. I had began purchasing heaters to install in each of the rooms so we could have a form of central heating system but the idea of climbing under the trailer and running the wires for the electric circuit was something I wasn't really looking forward to.
That said we had a nose round some of the other caravans/trailers on the site and found this lush one that was only a year old that had central heating and double glazing installed already. Feeling the pros far outweighed the cons we brought the new trailer outright under part ex and used some of our savings. (Pics will of course follow once we are ensconced).
Nough background stuff!
When buying the new trailer we discussed with the sales team how this would happen and certain assurances were made. Yes it was okay to leave the cats in situ. Yes they would site the old trailer next to our existing site, or as close as possible. Yes the new trailer would be sited at the start of the week and we could get BT and Sky sorted from then onwards. Yes we could move stuff in once the trailer had been sited. Yes of course it was going to be "hassle free".
I have to say that the build up to this move was somewhat simpler than the move at the beginning of the year. Primarily because we haven't really had to pack anything up we are just transferring our belongings from one trailer to another. Marci, as mentioned in a previous post, helped and K and I, mainly me though - tee hee, has slowly but surely moved stuff around and packed things up in readiness for the big move this weekend.
So on Sunday night K & I packed up our overnight bags, we had been offered the use of one of the sales trailers to live in for the week, disconnected the Telephone and Sky dish and ensured that all breakables were packed or stored safely.
Monday I spent the day in a state of excitement, thinking about our new home, where I could put stuff, how nice it was going to be to have central heating blah, blah, blah. I drove home in a frenzied state of glee only to find our old trailer hadn't moved, nothing had been done, Rosie and Tina looked at me with a look of contempt as they had been locked in all day.
I went round to the sales dept and asked what had happened. "Staff shortages". I was assured that the new trailer would be sited tomorrow, Tuesday, in preparation for BT and SKY on Wed. Cool!
K and I spent one final night in the trailer talking about how pleasant it had been and how much we were going to miss it, but how nice it would be to be in the new trailer blah, blah, blah...
Tuesday - Another day of tormented excitement. Were the cats okay? Should I have taken the stuff out of the fridge? Was the new trailer going to fit on our existing site. My building excitement was prolonged by the fact that I was running a youth club session so didn't get back to the site until 6.20 where I discovered ...
NOTHING - not the nothing like yesterday but a great big CALAMITY type nothing, there really was nothing, No new trailer, no old trailer no... Nothing!!
In the space where we lived there was simply nothing, well not quite nothing, there was our storage box, which had been pushed to one side, rubbish from under the trailer had been strewn around the area along with the steps to the trailer and boxes of wood!
I sat for a few moments surveying this nothingness wondering where the hell my home was. It should have been sited on an empty site right next door to our existing one, but there was a large space of nothing!!!
I spent the next hour driving round the site desperately seeking my trailer, NOTHING! I went to admin - NOTHING, I tried to track down the site security guy - NOTHING.
Tears! You bet!
Just as I was beginning to give up the search I spied our trailer. I pulled open the door and stepped inside, obviously there was no electricity and it was pitch black, but Tina was still inside, anxious cause it was way past her dinner time, but otherwise unconcerned. There was no sight of Rosie. I grabbed our over night bags, Tina and the stuff out of the fridge and headed off to the loaned trailer.
The Phone rang - it was K "What the Fluck is going on?, Where's our trailer?, Where's the new trailer?, Are you ok?". Amidst garbled "I don't knows" we eventually found each other and headed back to the original site where we discovered a fellow trailer-trashian checking out our freezer! We scared him off with loud comments of "What's he doing looking in our Freezer" and "The Cheek".
Concerned about the safety of the chocolate chip icecream we decided to unloaded the freezer and take it down to my mum and dads. Whilst loading the freezer stuff Rosie approached us, totally confused and more than a little scared. It took a few moments of tender miowing to convince her things were going to be okay.
At 9.30ish we finally returned back to the loaned trailer and settled ourselves, Rosie and Tina in and pondered how little of those "sales assurances" had been kept. The whole affair could possibly be termed "a right bloody cock up".
I spent all day yesterday attempting to get stuff sorted out and can safely say that from nothing we have slightly more than nothing. The new trailer has been pitched, but SKY and BT both had to be cancelled. We cant move any of our stuff in cause we have no elec/gas or water and our existing trailer is no where near the new one so moving stuff in wont be the simple process we thought it was going to be.
On the up side though I had an appointment with the midwife and I'm having a text book pregnancy, everything is normal, we heard TrippleB's heartbeat - nice and strong and my urine is apparently "a lovely colour" - Now that is what I call extracting the positive from the negative!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Thursday, November 03, 2005 at 11:38 am
How is it possible to loose a 35ft trailer....
That's good news about the urine.
Shannon said...
Exactly... and Im not taking the pss!