Okay, I'm an independent self minded woman (do not read that as stubborn) who feels able to cope with most things in life. I can run a ring main (with advice) I've carried heavy rucksacks up and down dales and held my own in a Regimental competition - In other words I'm not a girly girl!!!
So when people have been saying, "Oh you will have to be careful, don't lift, don't pull, don't push", I've instantly thought, "Yeah, yeah - I'm okay". So last Wednesday I've packed up my bags at work, switched off the radio, locked the door and gone to pull down the security shutter, one handed of course, cause I was also holding my bags.
There was a sound like tearing meat, with an internal ripping sound comparable to a thick material being torn in half - and I'm doubled up in total agony - I obviously said "Owchhhh" or something along those lines, but within several mins the pain subsided and I thought I was okay.
Sitting in the car I leant over to pull the keys out of my bag and again the pain hit, this is not normal thought I,so I drove home slowly and carefully.
Long story short with the help of the midwife and my lovely Dr we know "lille A" is fine, good strong heart beat, but I've ruptured the muscles in my abdomen. The outcome is I can't lift, I can't pull, I can't carry - I'm now officially a girly girl!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at 11:11 am
What do you mean I can't do.... OUCH!!!
1 comment:
Hx said...
you're a girlie, girlie, girlie!
Will you STOP trying to be super woman (stop wearing your knickers on the outside of your trousers) and take the next 6 months off, pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssse? Promise me? You can be all butch and 'ard after Baby B has arrived!