Your week ahead:
Are you exhausted and exasperated? Or is that the perspiration born of inspiration now gathering on your brow? You can't tell. You're too tired and wired to know the difference. All you know is that the last few days have been intense. Even now, you are still dealing with a 'loaded' situation. Strong emotions have been triggered, deep desires have been awakened and profound new levels of understanding have been reached. Yet whether you have reason to feel happy or sad is unclear. You feel a mixture of both. Soon, though, you'll see how far you've come. And then, you'll smile.
Not sure what this portents, but I'm really looking forward to relaxing on the beach with Milky and Hx.
Trailer cleaned - Check
All Ironing and washing done - Check
Clean linen on beds - Check
Bags packed - Check
Soup and various dishes in freezer for K - Check
Fruit and veg ordered for next week - Check
Work filed, processed and up to date - Check
automatic response for email turned on - Check
In tray empty - Check
Out tray empty - Check
Drivers license applied for - Check
Passport in bag - Check
Flight confirmations in bag - Check
Camera in bag - Check
Anything else can just wait till I get back...that's it, I'm off - I need this holiday!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Friday, June 24, 2005 at 12:39 pm
Horrible scope for this week
Hx said...
are we there yet? are we there yet ?
Wild Mood Swings said...
But you can blog from spain.