I've just spent the last hour and a half writing lots of words and putting in lots of pictures about the lovely trip I just had in Ireland and the stupid pooter errored all over my ass and got rid of it!
Someone tell it!
Not faiiiiiirr!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 at 5:08 pm
Arghhhhhhhhh - stupid bloody blog!!!!!
Wild Mood Swings said...
Hint , write it in word or the like
before you post it
saves all the stress
Shannon said...
hmmmph - "worms of wisdom" but sadly too little too late - at least you didnt laugh at me like some Hx's I know!!!
Back to the grindstone!
Hx said...
mwahahahahaha! This event has happened to the best of us. mwahahahahaha!