Friday - you know I cant remember what I did Friday night. Think I got drunk but cant remember - Oh god - K passed out on the sofa and I remember covering him up about 1.30am but that's it!!!
Woke up to an empty trailer - K had got up early for the first time in months and went to get his hair cut. To make up for last nights drinking session I got out the pledge, window cleaner and hit the trailer.
The rest of the afternoon was spent laying on sofa and watching 2 of the 4 DVD's K had brought in for the weekend. We watched one of my favourite actors Wenzil Doshington (Denzil Washington) in "Man on Fire" a brilliant film, despite the slightly cheesy ending - Loved the extras - and Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock in "Two Weeks Notice" - a pleasant chick flick and made me consider cutting a fringe back into my now one length hair!
By 5.30 K had passed out on the sofa so I spent the rest of the night playing on MSN - met a new friend on the Backgammon site, Carol from Canada, also did two other things that was very stupid, but not blogging about them cause I will get in trouble!
Covered K up about 2.30 and stumbled into bed!
To save drunken face got the piles of washing threatening to drown us undercontrol and managed to get all the ironing done! K put the last two DVD's on "Exorcist" - why do they do this to perfectly good classics! And another Wenzel Doshington film "Hurricane" which I loved!
Cooked dinner and watched more TV, watched House - soon coming to Channel 5 for those of you without Sky and is a must see!
So all in all a pretty mundane weekend made bearable with DVD's and dare I say it - TV!!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Monday, June 13, 2005 at 4:00 pm
Blahhh went the weekend!
1 comment:
Shannon said...
I know, thought I would try it as it was something other people seemed to be doing. Didnt like it so probably wont do it again....NOT!!!!