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Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Friday, May 13, 2005 at 10:28 am

Three steps forward 697 back!!!

Well what an amazing weekend/week.

Friday fun, Friday
Two major things happened last Friday - Firstly I booked my tickets to Almeria - is that right Hx - in Spain. All I know is its in the south and Im sooo giggly excited its unbelievable!

The second fun thing was Marci coming to visit - all the way from London - and it was wonderful.

We talked, I bemoaned and she, bless her little cotton socks - the blue ones - listened and listened and listened!

Friday night I cooked lots and we drank more. The evening was pleasantly female full of chat and laughter, at 10.30ish I suggested we walk off dinner, Marci and I donned our coats - K said it was too cold - and we headed out towards the light house.

Is it a star
As we approached the sea we were present to witness the creation of a new star. Both of us stood awe struck as the bright, bright star shone down upon the sea, so bright it cast a light of magical qualities upon the water. For minutes we stood contemplating this beautiful moment - our faces bathed in the majesty of nature.

Then our star started moving and was accompanied by a little red flickering to its side - feeling like idiots we realised we had been marveling at an incoming airplane!

Saturday the weather was beautiful in the morning but by 11.30 the clouds surrounded us and the rain began. In a desperate effort to find entertainment we hit the cinema, 2 odd hrs of entertainment was found in the form of the "Interpreter" obviously the natural accompaniment of icecream and revells helped the film immensely. "Hasnt Sean come on somewhat from Shanghi flop"

A night on the town
Saturday evening Marci and I went out and played with Annmarie. Annemarrie stayed sober whilst Marci and I plowed our way through a very nice Italian meal and several bottles of wine. We discussed life, love and sex lines and attempted to save the world from the injustices of finishing time and men with chewing gum.

On our way home we pondered the delights of a mad geordie girl who saw fit to run into the middle of the road and lay down. "WHY?" Before Annemarie could run her over she was quickly escorted off by the boys in blue - hurrah for the BiB' - unless of course its me they are picking up and putting in the back of their nasty van - different story!!!!

Not wanting to end the evening of good conversation and soul searching Annemarie drove us to the Lighthouse and we went and watched the drug dealers and sexual active play out their Saturday evenings. For me the rest of the evening was pretty much a warm fluffy blurr but I have to say thank you to Annemarie for getting us home safely and thank you to Marci for helping me deal with my sofa bed issues - This may become a new guest game!!!

Points of interest garnered from Marci - I do snipe at K and he snipes at me, generally for no apparent reason. She has advised me to try and reword my "requests". For example instead of jumping straight in, tutting, and screaming "open the frigging window you moron from hell" I'm now using "K there is a lot of smoke in here at the moment, would you mind opening the window" and my favourite "if you don't want to use a plate fine, but here is the hoover!" Not used that one yet because he has actually not had a sandwich without a plate *gasp*.

She also told me - rather too sensibly - that no one but me could decide whether I stay or go, "Why not" screeched the mini me that doesnt want to deal with the pain lay upon the floor legs and arms flailing in temper tantrums and tears "your my friend, you do it".

"Because its not up to anyone else, its going to hurt you and K and you have to decide if what you have is enough and if it isn't its your decision to get out." No mollycoddling and "it will be okay" just plain truth - the same truth I hear from all my friends, but from Marci who has just gone through such a horrid illness and still manages to ooze self awareness and a certain sense of serenity the truth seemed real - God I hate her - not really!

Sunday morning, with a head that didn't know if it wanted a hangover or not, I made fruit smoothies for me and Marci and then we headed back out for another walk. Fresh air ideal for eliminating potential hangover heads!

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We saw some strange birds, that made weird little noises and I took Marci up to my favourite spot.

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We stood contemplating nature at its best but sadly the cold and wind forced us home.

We were actually very lucky, just as we approached the trailer the heavens opened and hailstones speew-ed forth. God I love the sound of hailstones on the trailer roof - its like being tickled all over!

Mid afternoon Marci, bags packed climbed into her little car, armed with salmon sandwiches and fruit she headed off to Manchester.

A bloody brilliant visit and I felt a sadness comparable to watching the last programme of Buffy fill my pitiful little heart.
K and I spent much of the afternoon doing our own thing - he listening to music and me reading. But it wasn't unpleasant!

Rosie entertained me by playing with a rabbit, I'm sure she was trying to convince it to come into the trailer for supper. Just a bit worried about whether she would have dined with it or on it.
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The Working week and holidays
Monday merged rather efficiently into sunday - isnt it clever how that happens and work busied me. Now you may remember me talking about my mawanker some time back complaining that he wouldn't let me do my usual mail out to learners. Well because he hasn't pulled his finger out the "glossy brochure" that was supposed to go out hasn't even been drafted and I've been given the go ahead to do my mail shot - Yeee HAW!

Tuesday toddled in and one of my favourite learners called in just to say hello. I love this job.

Wednesday wiggled forth and a niggling thought began to pound upon my conscious. Marci had suggested we - K and I - join her in visiting a mutual friend Graeme F in Belfast for the weekend following the bank holiday weekend. So up to my eyeballs in work I decided to do what all of us do and surf the net, looking for tickets.
For us to travel on Friday and return on Sunday would cost a HUGEMONGEOUS £120 odd pennies but if we could return Monday morning it would only mean £56 pennies - now to me this made sense, but K in the past has been adamant that he cant take time off work. He is contracted to work through term time and only take holidays through the school holiday periods, so I left it.

But the thought that it was only "one morning, not a week" kept niggling me and I kept returning back to stare at the easy jet screen searching for inspiration. I talked to Marci, then taking the bull by the horns I phoned K. I explained the situation and in true style he said he wouldn't be able to take the time off.
But I pushed "its only one morning - you'll be back to lock up, cant you just ask" remembering Marcie's "worms of wisdom" I added "look just ask for me, if they say no we can book the tickets for Sunday, but you wont know till you ask". So he went off to ask, but couldn't find anyone. So all fired up he phoned me back and told me to book the tickets "what could they do - fire me".

Thursday toddled in and brought forth not only tickets to Spain but tickets to Ireland. I cant believe it not only am I off to Spain at the end of June, I'm also off to Ireland. This holiday malarky is just like busses - you don't see one for years then suddenly wham bam two come along. How excited is me?

So today - Friday the 13th loomed this morning and thanks to Hx I remebered to salt my door step and cat flap and cycled into work. The morning was beautiful and as we all know, and Jonathan Cainer reiterated, al this fear stuff is down to Paraskevidekatriaphobia!
Twelve is traditionally a number of 'completion'. The tribes of Israel, apostles, numbers on the clock face, signs of the zodiac. That's partly why thirteen - one beyond perfection - is associated with disruption. It is also because there are twelve months in a modern 'male' solar year and thirteen in a natural 'female' lunar year. Add this to the belief that Eve tempted Adam with the apple on a Friday and it looks as if Paraskevidekatriaphobia (fear of Friday 13th) is based almost entirely on sexism!

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So it was with no great surprise that I got honked at three times by men in white vans and the guy who has been cycling past me for the last two months every morning this morning smiled.

So that's my week, no closer to knowing what I'm doing, but happy because of it.
How was yours?


Blogger Shannon said...

Well done D_man, One step forward!

Remind me to tell you one day about my kicker episode at Liverpool street!!!  


Blogger Hx said...

*snigger* I know, I know ! *snort* Liverpool Street, one of London's busiest train stations, gate way to the financial sector and Shannon ! rolflmao  


Blogger Shannon said...

Hx - once you have stopped sniggering at my unfortunate episode all I will say is "little drummer boy"  


Blogger Hx said...

took me about an hour to work that one out . . . . you caaaaaaah !  


Blogger Shannon said...

D-man, are you sure we are not related?

Hx *smooch*. I luuve you!!!  


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Milk Yuk
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My Boyfriend is a tw*t
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To whom it may concern
Rehtorical Answers