Well have spent the whole day preparing myself for the big day... Shopped for the final stuff - Parsnips, those little sausages that you wrap up in bacon and sausage rolls.... Everything else was pur-chased. I was actually feeling relatively cool and sorted. My Tree glistens, my fridge is full and my house was clean. I am Delia Smith incarnate (even my celery has been wrapped in tin foil to sustain in through the period).
QUESTION; Why do we buy celery? I personally hate it. I wrap it in tinfoil and it lasts for months... but I never eat it!
4.30pm: Sat and contemplated the age old problem - Christmas eve or antibiotics. Hx had previously told me that alcohol and antibiotics was a bad mad mix and if I had been prescribed antibiotics I really, REALLY shouldn't be drinking....
5:00: SO .... half a bottle of baileys later and a stuffed turkey I was was once again wondering what all the fuss is about.
6pm: Okay cooked off sausage rolls for HB, filled up chocolate dishes and puffed up cushions.... Still sat on my own and waiting for husband to return home.
QUESTION: IF you are a caretaker working on your own, would you work till 6.15 at night?
Next session - 6.30pm: Parsnips basted in Parmesan, chestnuts roasted, Brussels done, an beef cooked off... still alone....
Is this the way Christmas eve should be spent...
10.40:Hmm Sausage rolls scoffed, chocolates eaten, nuts inhaled and sat typing out blog. I'm ready for Xmas just not sure about spending 3 days with hubland. His big thing was cooking us breakfast tomorrow and he asked me tonight what I wanted. I said " salmon omelet..." He asked If I had brought any salmon.... Hmmm he has really thought about this. He then produced his gifts and I (rather unselfishly) know that none of them contain anything I have asked/hinted for.
I'm still feeling rather dead about the whole xmas affair so have decided to take the most drastic of actions. I'm going to midnight mass at my local church.....
More later
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Friday, December 24, 2004 at 10:51 pm
Freck it- Santa baby
Wild Mood Swings said...
Hey good looking turn that frown upside down , and have a special chrimbo stan sized hug.
Shannon said...
Porl, frown turned upside down and grinning like a good un.
Have had complete turn around. Church was great, too much god, not enough carols - but made me realise what the whole "travesty of Christmas" was for - to celebrate birth of bloke with beard who said some rather sensible things!!!
Wishing you and yours a most fantastic of days - remember... Llama/frog!!