K was off work today, what with it being a bank holiday an all, so I thought it would be a nice idea if we went shopping as a family. I loaded the baby bag, got Dylan dressed and secured in the car and we set off.
It took me a while to find a trolley that allowed us to wheel Dylan round in the car seat, so much so that K went off into the shop. Having found a trolley and found K we had to load the stuff he had in his trolley into mine, why was that such a big deal.
We then plodded round the shop doing the usual stuff, him buying cheap, me taking it out of the trolley and buying the brands I actually like. Other than grunting at each other we hardly spoke!
Then at the cash register all hell broke out when I suggested K should have remembered an item, because we had been talking about it that morning. He yelled at me to "shut up". Then when we got in the car he informed me that "I was never going shopping with him again". There were a few more expletives in there but that was the gist.
So not only cant we talk to each other about the baby, but now we cant even do something as simple as a shop - Ive spent the day reading in the bedroom and he is watching TV!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2