This afternoon I lay on the bed with Dylan nestled against me, his small fists needing my chest and his mouth snuffling into my neck, the sun shone through the window onto his up turned face and I was engulfed by a feeling of absolute love.
I'm not dealing particuarly well with feeding - its not the most natural thing in the world!Changing - How can a baby with only four limbs wiggle so much and Crying - how do you tell what he wants? (see Dylan's Diaries).
I'm crying lots and feeling totally unsure of myself most of the time but at times like this - Well it all feels so right.
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Monday, March 06, 2006 at 5:25 pm
I'm in love.
I think I'd be scared to let my child breast feed off me, I mean eventually they start teething...owww.
Lol No I left no comments for the bpring ones lol.
Shannon said...
Som - dreading the teeth issue, but think Ive read somewhere that babies pull thier lips over thier teeth when they feed... Im hoping!!!
D-Man - Did consider calling him D-man, but then couldnt deal with the "gossip" issues!