So what's been going on? I know you are all hanging on tenterhooks (NOT)wondering if K and I are up or down, divorced or together, happy or sad, well I'm pleased to say that after our slightly rocky start back down the togetherness road we have found a rather pleasant pace to trundle together down this difficult path.
We are not perfect (my subconscious crys out "he is not perfect, I'm as near as you could get" excuse me for a moment whilst I quieten down my alter ego.....) but lots of the stuff I wanted and he didn't seem to understand is now happening.
Im hopeful when I say I've become an easier person to live with - yes I'm still a nag, still anal and still obsessive - but I'm doing it all in a less controlling way, which K is able to deal with. We talk more, touch more and generally listen to each other rather than shouting and sulking. All grown up and making the whole process of living with each other a whole lot easier.
So a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who offered "worms" of wisdom, shoulders to cry on and understood that I really did need to call you up at silly o'clock in the morning drunk as a skunk to talk absolute crap.
Are we going to be friends forever? Asked Piglet.
Even longer, Pooh answered.
- A. A. Milne Winnie the Pooh
Work is still a pain, but in finding solace at home I've been able to find an ethos of working that works for me - I'm being nice to my Mawanker, even occasionally agreeing with him. He is very worried and is not quite sure how to take the change!!!!
Kill my boss? Do I dare live out the American dream?
- Homer Simpson

I've also some HUGE news, that Hx knows but is sworn to secrecy for the next few weeks. If you feel like taunting someone give her a call and just listen as she has to bite her tongue to stop herself from spilling. Tee hee - love you babe and promise I will let you know as soon as you can tell all!!!!
This weekend we are off to stay with friends in Lanarkshire then going up to Edinburgh to see Roberts play, on Sunday night we are heading down to London where we will spend the next week driving round London visiting friends and family.
As I said, all in all busy and hectic but good things are going on, I hope the world is as pleasant a place for you as it is for me!!!