Cause whatever is happening is really freaking out my central stability, I’m up, I’m down, I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m giggling one moment and crying the next, I pick up the phone to call friends to see if they are suffering in this way and suddenly I’m putting the phone down unable to deal with the idea of a conversation. I’ve a whole tempestuous fervour of emotions flitting through my pea like brain and I’m left feeling like I’ve run a marathon but have lost a leg somewhere round the course.
Sunday night - I finished Harry Potter, I cried - it’s not allowed!!! I suppose I have to admit to being a huge fan, this range of books, for me, are up there with "Winnie the Pooh" and the "Lion, Witch and Wardrobe" series, these are books I re-read to remember the joy of childhood days and a time of innocence that did not need laptops and wine to make the evening feel good.
Monday - I got my licence back – Yehaw. However the thought of actually getting in the car and driving fills me with such trepidation that I’m thinking of going tea total.
Tuesday - K brought in “The Prisoner of Azkaban” and we watched it whilst drinking a gorgeous bottle of red wine (wasn’t driving so didn’t matter - so much for tea total) and eating pizza.
Wednesday - Work was sufferable. Mawanker is still off with sore testicles - sorry that alone makes me smile. I did very little, its amazing how little you can do whilst actually looking busy, this could be my new work ethic.
Thursday - I woke this morning and contemplated how I was going to get into work. The reality being I only have one mode of transport - my bike, but the hour between K leaving and me getting up I attempted to work out bus routes. Dudley, where I work has, about 3 buses that serve the area and you can spend up to an hour waiting for a connecting bus. Not great!
I eventually pulled my body from the bed and got on my bike. 15 mins later cycling up the one and only real hill I have to traverse my knee gave out and I lay on the floor in agony. 5 mins later, after kicking the bike with my good leg I hobbled back towards the trailer park, muttering to the cycle gods "I bally knew I shouldn't be cycling this morning"
One taxi journey, and £10's, later and I’m now in work attempting to do as little as possible but today my recently adopted work ethic is not happening, learndirect learners thwart my lazy desires and I’m teaching a class this afternoon.
But my biggest worry is how the heck am I going to get home!!!!
Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 10:32 am
What is it with Saturn....
1 comment:
Shannon said...
D-man, there is a perfect explanation for Pooh, but will need to dig out quote....
Knee is a recent injury, fell over at work on wet floor, so hoping its just a one off thang.
Milky - It took me an 1 1/2 hours and two busses to travel 8 miles, it was almost like being back in London - URGH!!!!