Saturday K and I set off for Kenilworth, where Robert - one of K's oldest friends - was performing "war of the roses" at Kenilworth castle. The journey down was a total nightmare and took a grueling 6 1/2 hours. Road works and traffic accidents slowed the journey down constantly and we made it to the hotel with just enough time for us to bathe before heading off to the Castle to meet Janey Q, Roberts girlfriend, Joe and Jenny, Roberts parents and Will, a friend of Roberts who we will be hearing much more of in the future.
Before I head on though have to tell you about my bath....
It was faaaaab. We moved from our old house, which had a double corner bath to the trailer which has only a shower, so this was my first bubbly bath in six months....

Anyway, we eventually stocked up on wine, bits to eat and made it to the Kenilworth castle with moments to spare. The castle itself is lovely in very pituresque grounds, unfortunately I took lots of crap pictures so have only a few worth showing.

This is before the show started.

This is Robert (cant remember which character this was - he played Richard III, very well, as his main part but also had a few cameo bits. This was Queen Margaret rubbing the blood of Warwicks child into his face just before they killed him.

This is Robert at the very end of the play doing the "now is the winter of our discontent speech"

And this is Joe, Roberts dad, doing a cross between Richard and Meatloaf.
All in all the evening was a great success and was rounded up by us all adjourning to the bar just across the road from the castle to catch up on life.
K has been asked by Robert and Will to go up to Edinburgh at the beginning of August with them to assist with their lights for the show they have written, produced and are acting in at the festival about Burke and Hair - the grave robbers, who didn't really rob graves but killed people. So if you do ever get to the Festival look out for the show, both guys are very talented and deserve a break.