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Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Monday, May 23, 2005 at 7:25 pm

24 Questions - 24 Answers.

Bugger and botherations - Okay been checking the rules and apparently this is going to be fun. So here they are with great big smoochy thanks to those who took delight in putting me through this "bit of fun", revenge is a dish best served cold... .just you wait - lol!

1.What are your ideal vocation ?
Knowing that should be "what is your ideal" probably means I’m in the right job – teaching. But I often question if Im teaching the right age group, I love teaching adults but I have a very rose coloured ideal of teaching munchkins computers – they are after all our future or something like that.

However if I could wave a magic wand I’d probably be living somewhere warmer than here, living by the sea and dealing with dolphins and whales in one form or another!

2. What are your Fav tunes?
God the list is endless. My music taste is somewhat eclectical, I’ve nicked lots of cds from friends and habitually buy Cd’s in shops of people I’ve never heard of just to see if I might find something I like.

That said I’m a girlie when it comes to music and love singers who do the “ballard", you know the type of stuff, you can actually hear what they are singing!. So Paula Cole, ABBA, Shania Twain, Cyndi Lauper, Alison Moyet, Every thing but the girl, Lemon heads, Texas, Bangles, Queen, Kirsty MacColl, Suzanne Vega, Eddi Reader, Alanis Morissette, Eva Cassidy - The list goes on, but Im digressing and these are probably more artists than tunes so, summing up, there are three songs I listen to a lot at the moment that m
ake me goose bumpy:
Janice Ian’s 17
Paula Cole – Im so ordinary
Joan Armatrading - Less Happy more often’

But these could and do change on a daily/hourly basis.

3. Have you ever downloaded music from tinternet?
Who?, me?Never!

Yes of course I have - who hasnt? I regularly use WinMx. I did sign up for one of those pay a one off sum and download all you want, but couldn’t figure out how to use it, so went back to WinMx licking my tinternet wounds.

4. Have/do you surf porn on the tinternet?
Have to say no to this one. Porn for me is much more hands on/interactive thing than what you generally seem to get from tinternet. Im not against it, just doesn’t “float my boat” as they say!

Phew – that wasn’t actually all that hard.


Hx – just knew you would do this.

5. What is the most outrageous place you've had sex?
Has to be a graveyard in Wales, but you knew that. Always thought I would remember the name of the guy whose crypt we used, but thinking back now my mind is a blank. I used to have a deep fear of graveyards but now they are just a place I strangely associate with great sex.

6. If money wasn't an option what one extravagant thing would you buy yourself
A boob reduction and perfect teeth - sorry thats two... have another one, because

I guess one of these would be nice Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Obviously I would then have to do my license and tour it through America.

7. What is your inside leg measurement?
God haven’t got a clue, need to invest in a tape measure. I tried to measure using a 6cm ruler, but kept giggling, so justifying a 28” inside leg by surmising I wear 32” leg trousers, but they are always too long, so I’m probably nearer 30”, which means I’m a confirmed short ass!

8. If you could choose who would you most wanna shag?
Like my music taste the list is numerous because I think lots of people are sexy so going to split this into three qualifying areas:
Film/TV lala land– Mr Alan Rickman, he is smart, sensitive, cruel and intelligent and has the most amazing hands.
From my past – Nick Holden, I used to have regular heavy petting sessions with this guy at school. We would thrust and pant until we could go no further but never ever went past a naked third base. I guess I would just like to see if the reality could ever live up to the expectation.
My husband of course – what else could I say!

D Man Its taken me a long time to write this, cause your question 9. "What affect did the attack have on your life" was a real bitch. But in essence the attack affected every part of my life. I left London because of it, I no longer felt safe in an environment I knew as home. I became distrustful of strangers and it eroded some of the unquestioning trust and innocence that was a huge part of my character.

For a long time I hated myself because I was stupid enough to put myself into that situation, I couldn’t talk to friends because they wouldn’t understand the guilt I felt, I resented anyone touching me and that made my relationship with K very difficult. Counseling and having gone back to face some of the pain
has helped me move forward, but like all things in life it’s a slow process.

10. When you get your license back, what will happen to your bike?
I’ve already made a conscious decision to cycle into work at least three days out of the five. I’m hoping to make sure it’s four, but will need to get my sorry ass more organised so I can pick up and drop off clothes and stuff, but I’m definitely going to keep it. From something really negative it’s been a very pleasant positive.

11.What's the most fun thing you've ever done? Hmm swimming with dolphins in NZ, Bungee jumping, ski diving, Kayaked up the Grand Canyon, laughed so hard with friends I wet myself, I guess my life has been full of lots of fun.

12. What Star Wars character best sums you up? (and why?)
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

“One of the galaxy's top criminal underlords, Jabba the Hutt has been in charge of a major criminal empire since he was about 600 years old. He moved to Tatooine and established himself at a palace built around the ancient monastery of B'ommar monks. Its centerpiece is a huge throne room where Jabba constantly entertains and holds court from his high dais at one end of the room.

He, like me, is a hard working party guy, who loves to have friends and family over! Plus have you seen a picture of me – We could be twins!!!

13. Why, if you've been to NZ, do you keep calling it Australia?
Because I have the intellectual capacity of a duck on acid and the memory of a pregnant goldfish, having to talk and make sense is a hard process. Add that to the fact that they are very similar and I know how much it annoys you and you have your answer! – lol ;0*

14. Do you really think I'll let you get away with not Answering Questions – No but your obsessive compulsive disorder makes my own anality almost

Bloo, not sure I know how to answer your first question 15. Are you going to make the break from K and if so when?
Because I’m still not certain, I just know that things have got to change, but I’m scared and unsure of where I need to go to get changes. I’m afraid that’s the only answer I can give to that one.

16. Does question 1 count for 2 questions or 1 – took it as one.

17. How did you lose your driving licence – Ah long, long story - But cutting it short. I went out on my birthday with blond bimbo from work. Got very drunk, she said she could drive I gave her my keys, we got pulled up by Boys in Blue. They opened my door, whilst I was proclaiming I was giving her a driving lesson I fell out of the car and threw up.

Lost licence because I knowingly admitted to letting a provisional drunk driver take control of my car. Lesson learnt!

18. Should Alan Shearer be the next Newcastle Manager? Who?

19. Are you going on holiday with the 'What goes on on holiday, stays on holiday.' attitude or will we get details?
Details of course, but also have to say that I’m not proposing to do anything I shouldn’t be doing.

Briggsy said...
20. Why do you live in a trailer? - last year K and I reached yet another impasse and divorce was bandied about. I decided best option was for me to move out of house and into a trailer. We talked (are you recognizing a theme) and decided we would sell our house and move into the trailer as a transitional move.

I love it – I’ve never been very “materialistic” when it comes to bricks and mortar and most of my friends just accept that I was either going to end up in a trailer, barge or gypsy caravan.

21. Like Bloo, I want to know how you lost your licence - I refere the Lady back to Q17 – I liked that one!

22. What is D_Man talking about - The Attack? Hmmm going to cut this one very short. Four years ago I walked home from a party (drunk) and was attacked by three guys in a park about 500 yards from my home. I suffered some minor cuts, bruises and grazes and had much of my clothes removed or ripped. I was – and not sure how – lucky enough to get away.

23. Do you think being alone would be worse than being with K ?
No I really don’t mind the prospect of being on my own. I’m just unable to face the pain I will cause him if we do split up.

24. Your best day ?
Ever – hmmm Wedding day was pretty special, but then the day I passed my driving test was also very special to me – gave me a freedom I had never know.

But my 21st birthday was probably one of the highlights to date. It was just one of those perfect hedonistic days, I was surrounded by friends and family, we had a beautiful day on the beach drinking champagne and eating fruit, burying each other in the sand and playing dumb beach games. In the evening with sunburnt noses and shoulders we ate, bowled, got drunk(er) and talked.

Yeah that has to be one of my best days. But I also refer you D-Mans question “what is the most fun thing you have ever done” all of those days were pretty special too.

So thats it, done!

It has actaully been fun. Shucks D_man, I should never have doubted you!


Blogger Wild Mood Swings said...

Well; done you  


Blogger Hx said...



Blogger Bloo said...

Thank you for broaching some difficult questions so well.  


Blogger Shannon said...

Thanks for all comments. It is actually a fun processes in a dentist chair kinda way.

Bloo - particuarly thankful for your sensitive and diplomatic reply - most unusual for you! *hugs and kisses*  


Blogger Briggsy said...

Shannon, Don't be fooled by Bloo's humorous laddish comments (& humour is the watchword) As someone who spent 9 days with Bloo, I feel qualified to say he is sensitive & diplomatic. If he wasn't I wouldn't have divulged my most painful memories to him. Granted, he slept through the story the first time, but I just kept repeating it at every available opportunity until I felt better. His advice to me at Heathrow immediately prior to my 2nd trip to NZ was the most sensible thing anyone ever said to me during the whole 'L-thing' & I am indebted to him for it. I've never told him that before, so if you're reading this now Bloo, cheers mate.  


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