Lost confused and looking for Inspiration - Stage 2

Friday, May 20, 2005 at 11:42 am
Tig - Im it....
Bugger and botheration.
This link to D-mans site explains it better than I could hope to - you will need to scroll down to the "blame Golf Widow Again" part.
In a nutshell "You are allowed to ask me up to four questions by posting them in the comments to this entry. You may ask anything. Nothing is off-limits as such."
Im hoping I dont have enough visitors to this site to do it!
Wild Mood Swings said...
What are your
1. Ideal vocation.
2. Fave tunes
3. Have you ever downloaded music from tinternet and was it legal ?
4. Have / Do you surf for porn on ' tinternet ?
Hx said...
1. What is the most outrageous place you've had sex?
2. If money wasn't an option what one extravagant thing would you buy yourself?
3. What is your inside leg measurement?
4. If you could choose who would you most wanna shag?
Shannon said...
Hmm Hx Im a thinking... but its only eight questions - so will probably never have to answer.
hmm the memories are ALLL mine!
Bloo said...
I've got a couple of difficult questions, coz that's the type of bloke I am.
1. Are you going to make the break from K and if so when?
2. Does question 1 count for 2 questions or 1?
3. How did you lose your driving license?
4. Should Alan Shearer be the next Newcastle Manager?
5. Are you going on holiday with the 'What goes on on holiday, stays on holiday.' attitude or will we get details?
Briggsy said...
1) Why do you live in a trailer ?
2) Like Bloo, I want to know how you lost your licence ?
3) What is D_Man talking about - The Attack ?
4) Do you think being alone would be worse than being with K ?
5) Your best day ?