Ive not felt this content for such a long time. Not only does my house cleaning take all of 30 minutes (which lets face it is bally brilliant) but K and I are getting on really well, we have started being the tactile couple we once were, we sit of an evening with a glass of wine and talk about our days, we've even sat and listened to music - together!!!

Yes there are still issues for us to get over, we are very much living in a "there's a place for everything and everything has its place" environment and K was never very good at the putting things away but even he is aware of the limited space and he is making a concerted effort to put things away if they are not being used.
The cats have both found thier "paws" - we are just waiting for the man "who does" on the trailer site to come and do his stuff and leave us with a cat flap. Currently they are going out through the window, Tina is meowing to be let back in, Rosie doesnt meow so I have to constantly get up and walk the huge distance from sofa to door to see if she is at the steps and wants to come in - Gosh that walk tires me out so much!
But the thing that assures me I have definitely entered into the trailer trash environ is the latest number I have added to my mobile.
Its a local company that delivers spirits, wines, beers, ciggies and various other sundries between 11pm and 6am. You phone them up, place your order and they deliver right to your trailer door.