This morning I removed all the swear words and cynicism - I do recognise that sometimes things in emails dont come over how they were intended but felt that "your an uptight git who couldnt manage to pull a muscle" didnt disguise my true feelings and left little to the imagination - on further reflection I felt this tone deterred from the professionalism I was wanting to impress.
So where did the calm came from?
As I cycled homeward last night muttering under my breath about inadequate management with the interpersonal skills of an amoeba (sorry to any amoeba lovers out there) mid mutter it dawned on me that the sun was shining, the sky was blue and as I crested the hill and past Delaval Hall, looking beautiful surrounded by green trees, windows shining in the sunlight and grass that new mowed green I was greeted by the sea, a beautiful blue, bumpy but calming. A smile spread across my mouth and I stopped to breath in the sea air and reflect on just how lucky I am.
The rest of the cycle home was suddenly ethereal and joyful. I past people who were wearing those "its spring" smiles, people nodded and said "hello" and cars seemed happier to give way to me and my burgeoning bottom as we peddled around roundabouts. I got home and decided to share with you the views I see from my wee caravan:

and also a pic of me enjoying a glass of wine before I jumped into the shower to wash the days strains away.

Whilst its not a full sea view I can glimps the mood of my beloved water and it sways my moods.
I may work for a git - but I have so much more going for me!