I love the change of the seasons and I'm normally the one in my household to notice the small things as they change, buds on trees, brighter mornings, blue tits bringing bedding into the box on our wall. I always feel a wonderful sense of "new day, new morning" at these times and this evening the gorgeousness of the sky and the fact that I could actually still see the sea at 5.30pm just filled me with a happiness and contentedness I could hardly contain - Yuck I know but wtf it was how I felt!
So I pulled out my camera and took a couple of shots, most of them were cr*p, cause I'm def not a David Bailey, I'm still trying to get used to my camera and my hands were obviously shaking from my cycling exertions - these pics though kinda show my beach as I like it.
And as I've said before its so nice to cycle home and be greeted by this sight.